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Everything posted by *Sandie*

  1. I accently bought unwaxed wicks. What is the best way to add wax and disc. I was told by a supplier that I should some hardner to my wax. Also is it worth the trouble. Hope you don't get sick of my questions. This message board is better then any book.
  2. Can you do bad things to your 100% pure wax if you let it get too hot. Also how many times can you reheat wax in a melting pot. I have a huge turkey roaster and just want to turn it on to melt for the small amounts I am testing.
  3. Thank Vicky your a dream. You helped me so much. I am in love with this message board. My husband says Im addicted...lol
  4. A New Candle Maker from Calif. I was looking at all your good scents and from where you get them. Everyone used abreiviations and I have no clue what company they came from. I would order for these suggestions of all of you. Could someone post a list of what the abre...stand for? I love that you make my life so much easier. Thank YOu for making such a wonderful site for all us newbies to learn from.
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