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Scented Treasures

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Everything posted by Scented Treasures

  1. Oh great! Thanks!!! I'm putting an order in there this week so I will be sure to get a sample! Thanks again! Sabrina
  2. Hi! I'm new to these boards. I've been reading for a while but just recently signed up! :smiley2: Ok now for my question. We use Cargill C-3 wax and I have yet to find a sugar cookie FO that I like or that works. I am looking to dup. gold canyon's sugar cookie. It sells like MAD around here but I just can't seem to put my finger on what to mix to get it. We sell Birthday Cake like it's going out of style so I mixed that with some creamy vanilla, both from Lonestar, and the cold throw was almost dead on, but I'm now burning it for the 3rd time and it's starting to smell more like the b-day cake to me. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've ordered samples of sugar cookie from Lonestar, BCN (Loved this smell however wouldn't give me a hot throw), Gelluminations, Natures Garden. Ummm I think there's a few others but I know there's SO many other suppliers out there so I was hoping someone here could give me their input. Or have a better idea of what I could mix to get that fragrance. Gold Canyon's sugar cookie is just the bomb! I will be so sad if I have to forgo that one. TIA! Sabrina
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