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Everything posted by AZT

  1. As a retailer I was appalled when a rep of mine shared what has been going on with small candle makers and the awful Homesick line. Jumping back to last November I received an email from a random candle maker back east (I'm on the west coast) asking why she was served a cease and desist. I had no idea what she was talking to and why she reach out to me other than my store was listed on the stockist for Homesick. I just brushed it off confused. Fast forward to this past week when a sales rep filled me in and I finally understood the down right shadiness Homesick is doing and the mystery of that email last fall all made sense. While this doesnt offer some sort of answer i do offer from one small biz to another.... You candle makers don't give up. Homesick can't win. The more that comes out about this the more people will turn on the line. I already know several retail shops (like ours) that have dropped the line as well as heard rumblings that certain wholesale groups are thinking about dropping the line entirely from showrooms. Keep pressing forward
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