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Posts posted by flutterbye

  1. Very pretty colors! I still think it looks great! Thats one of my biggest problems too, I'm so anxious to see the outcome that I wind up ruining the candle. Are you using a mold with a seam?? It's a good thing to invest in some seamless molds with rustics because when you try to shave away the seam line it messes up the look. The burn looks good on the purple..Keep the candles coming!

  2. Thanks so much everyone! I'm getting really anxious to see what the ladies at the shop think! Can I get some opinions on the two layer rustics on the right....Which "frost" looks better?? I cant decide so I've been just kinda mixing it up. Thanks to Eugeina for helping me get the thicker frost look(on the green ones) But I feel like I need to pick one way or another...Thanks again!:D

  3. These are just a few recent rustics I've made..My mom wants to put a few of these in her shop, she's taking them in Fri. to see if the owner approves. I'm a little hesistant since I havnt sold to anyone but friends/family so far. I'm positive I have a safe, good burning product to sell (only 6 scents to offer though) ....just kinda nervous to actually have them out there, ya know? Like what if nobody likes them....Anyway, Thanks for looking!


  4. yeah, I realize that, I buy wax by the case, the rest is just bits and pieces because I cant afford to buy large quantities at once on FO's and such, I'm working on that though. Can someone help me with this..If I pay 7.80 for a 5lb. bag of stearic and I use 3tbs. per candle, how much in stearic do I use per candle? It seems like it would only be just cents so it wouldnt make much a difference to figure it in....Again, sorry for my stupidity on the subject.

  5. ok then, that ups it to 4.60 per candle with just wax and FO, which seems really high, right? And X 2 for wholesale @ is 9.20 and X4 for retail is 18.40, Does that seem way to high or is that about average? Then to include stearic, dye, labeling, wicks, etc. is really got me stumped (not great at math) it seems impossible to figure all that in! Then my cost per candle would be so high nobody would pay that much. Are there any math geniuses out there? Sorry I'm so dumb at this....

  6. ok, a bit new to the business part of things....I've figured up my costs per candle. It came to 3.75 to make one candle. Now thats only including wax and FO at the price(without shipping or tax) from the supplier. My question is....do you figure in the shipping you pay on the supplies or not. Also do you figure in the additives and dye you use in the costs to make a candle? because that can get very complex then. I know from there it's 2X for wholesale and so on....hope you can understand what I'm asking.. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  7. Thanks so much everyone! These cookie cutter chunks are so much fun! I bought more shapes while I was out today, a horse, butterflies and some flowers. I swear, all this candlemaking is emptying my bank account...but I cant stop! :D I'll post pics if any of them turn out good. Thanks again!

  8. Hey All, I've been experimenting with cookie cutters, did yellow star chunks and the overpour in the same color and used a smaller wick so it would tunnel and glow from the inside. It's burned almost halfway down since the pic was taken, It looks really pretty in the dark. Thanks for looking!


  9. With a rustic you have to use a mold release,right? What is that? Can you do 100% soy wax with a rustic pillar? I posted this question on another forum but can't seem to find it again (haha).

    Just from my experience, I dont know if others have the same problem, But using mold release always makes the frost on rustics stick to the mold. I just rely on the FO to help it out and let it cool in the mold for at least a day and it works fine. Sorry, I dont know much aboy soy though.

  10. yeah, that's what I was wondering too(what Top asked) I twist mine, but no where near as twisted as the picture, not to where it makes an inch difference. You'd think it'd burn a bit differently like that. But do you get different burn results with it that twisted?? do you need to trim the wick more frequently?

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