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Everything posted by rmc

  1. Gosh...all these great suggestions. I feel guilty for not having the time to test the methods right now! My first trial will involve cooler pouring and covered cooling/curing, as I generally pour 100+ candles at a time and don't have a means to warm large quantities of containers. I hope it works, cuz the wax is great! Good throw, steady pool, and ZERO soot. I'm just not diggin' the unsightly pothole. Thanks again folks!
  2. Thank you both for the suggestions! I'll try pouring cooler, as I really need to limit this to a single pour process.
  3. Long-time lurker here with first question...but first, I must say that you all rock! The info that you all post here is simply invaluable. Anyhow, I've been working with parasoy for years now but wanted give GB 464 a shot. I love everything about it except for the fact that I'm getting sink holes after the candles have cooled following a burn. They set up perfectly when initially poured, but I'm assuming there is some air trapped in the wax around the wick that's creating an air pocket or some sort. Any ideas? I'm using a CDN 10 in a 2.75" diameter glass container, adding FO at 180, stirring frequently and pouring at 140-150. Thanks!!
  4. noob here can't pm, but would love a chart!! THANKS! rmc8177@yahoo.com
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