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Everything posted by animalgoddess

  1. Thanks!!! What waxes do you recomend that are better for throwing fragrance?
  2. Thanks for the input!!! What type of fragrance brands do you recomend? I just started with pillar because they came with the kit. Why do jar throw sent better? Thanks!!
  3. In some I put in dyes alone--same result. I followed the instructions in the package for the color. It came out great. I have put snowflake oil in and followed the directions and it was fine. I have done them without any additives and I still get no fragrance. They are pillar candle. Thanks for your help!
  4. Thanks for the response. I am making pillar candles. I am melting the wax in a pot.Once it is melted, I put in the fragrance and mix and pour the wax into the plastic mold. I have bought the fragrances at Hobby Lobby and Michael's. They have been bars of fragrance or liquid--small bottles. I have recently followed the 1 ounce of fragrance to pound of wax--I thought that this would solve the problem--but the test candle didn't seem any better. lp. I have made them with dye and without. I added snow flake oil once. Beyond that, that is it. I get the same results.Iappreciate you help!
  5. I am new to making candles and have tried all types of scent (solid,liquid, essential oils etc) and can't get any real scent throw off. I found this great website and read about how you figure scent to wax pounds. I thought that was the problem. I did a test candle and still can't smell anything. I followed the formula . I used Paraffin wax with a melting point of 133-135 and low oil content. I would like to have a realtively strong scent candle. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
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