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Dylan C

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    Coconut beeswax candles

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Update: I just measured with a meat thermometer! (not digital) My melt pool is 180F with that as well, however my container is only 130F. Is this actually abnormal? The candle feels just fine, and I'm only getting a hot throw when the melt pool reaches these temperatures. Based off of my testing, 120-130F melt pool just sounds really low to get a decent hot throw. Any more input on this?
  2. Thanks for the great advice BusyBee. I do think my melt pool measuring technique may be different, so I'll just continue with my method on that. I use an infrared thermometer which I am sure the flame interferes with when I'm measuring, but I do get consistent temperature readings with it – I just think it reads a bit hotter and is probably closer to what you're saying in actuality. I'll try a meat thermometer though to see the difference! My containers luckily have not exceeded 170F (which is a pretty high temperature... I'm not sure I would say that is comfortable to touch!). And I've never had issues with my container temperature in the first 4-5 hours of a burn... any customer who burns longer than that would probably experience a pretty hot container after 4 hours with most container candles on the market. I've purchased some HPSP wicks which I'm looking forward to try out. Thanks!
  3. Hi there, Hoping someone can help me out with proper wicking here! I'm trying to get a proper balance between safety and a wick hot enough to give me a good hot throw. I'm using a 5:4:1 coconut/soy/beeswax blend, CD 16 wick, and an 8% fragrance load in a 3" diameter glass tumbler. I've found that it melts and dries beautifully, however I get almost no hot throw unless my melt pool temperature reaches ~185º F at the mid-radius (edges are cooler, center of melt pool hotter). Is that a safe temperature? I'm using CD 16 right now with an average 8% fragrance load. Occasionally the jars are pretty uncomfortable to touch after burning for > 3 hrs, but I wouldn't consider it dangerous. Flame dances but absolutely no soot and it is 90% self trimming. I'm wondering if there is maybe a better wick I could be using. I'm super happy with my burn performance, but hot throw just isn't meeting standards. I'm thinking maybe a hotter burning wick with a smaller flame might do the trick to help with hot throw without getting the edges of the tumbler too hot. What do you guys think? Thanks in advance
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