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Posts posted by Bernadette

  1. Bernadette

    I added my info to my site if you have a chance let me know what you think thank you


    Pennie, looks good...I enjoyed reading it, but, don't you have an email for your store? Something like customerservice@, or service?. I'd think twice about putting my email on a public site for the whole world to see and SPAM you. Also, when I set up mine(which is service@) I was told to set it up and insert it on the site as a jpg rather than type it in. Makes it harder for spammers to harvest automatically. I hope that makes sense. I don't understand it all, but I originally had customerservice@ that I typed it, and I got so much spam, I couldn't stand it. So I changed it to a service@ and someone set it up as a jpg for me and all the spam stopped. HTH:tiptoe:

  2. Bernadette

    I don't really know a lot about it it's posted under weekly sales and contest. Just wondering about them. And thanks for the input on the website i actually thought that i had my info on there i will go fix that so that it is there.

    I'm glad you took it in the right light, Pennie. I would also suggest you include a phone number customers could call. Over the past 8 months, I've gotten almost as many phone orders as online orders. Customers tell me they're afraid to place orders over the internet with all the hacking that's been going on. Sometimes they also have questions before they place an order. I answer and then they place the order right away. Best of luck...:cheesy2:

  3. What can we as consumers do, aside from not clicking on any links in email?

    Do we delete our accounts? Change email address on that account? Change passwords?

    Is there really anything that would help?

    I don't know if there's anything recommended but the not clicking on links or replying with sensitive info, but I went into all my accounts that involve sensitive info(paypal, bank, etc.) and changed my passwords - a different one for each one. I didn't use names/parts of names that refer to people/pets/addresses, etc. I don't know if there's much else we can do at this point. Oh, one thing that I think is really helpful...make sure your security program has site authentication and antiphishing, and keep the updates updated.

  4. Pennie, I've been on the internet since 1998 and have never heard of an online craft show? Could you elaborate a little more? Also, please don't take this wrong, but I visited your website and while you have terrific looking/priced products, I didn't see any info about your company... like where you are, how to contact you, etc. I don't think you'll have much luck selling without some info about the company. People just aren't ready to buy when things like that aren't there. They want some assurance that you're legitimate, especially in today's environment.:tiptoe:

  5. I just received an email from Target letting me know about this. I ordered one thing from them for a Christmas gift about 2 years ago...couldn't find it in their store and it was something my grandson desperately wanted.

    Something that scares me alittle about this is it's happening around tax return time. They just had a piece about taxes on tv. Three scams:

    1) Fake tax return companies that file for you online, but steal your return(showed a MA man that was arrested for doing this and stealing $200,000 in tax returns from people).

    2)Scammers stealing young children and babies SS#s and using them on their own returns for more deductions. One poor guy's 5 year old daughter has had hers stolen 5 times already, and now if he puts her on his tax return, his tax return gets rejected!!:mad:

    3)The scam pertinent to this thread: emails from the IRS, requesting information. Many people see an official looking email from the IRS and get so intimidated, they forget security and follow emailed instructions...

    ABC stated that after checking with the IRS, they will never email you, nor call you, unless you've received a letter from them first with a code and a phone number to call. What next?:confused::tiptoe:

  6. I drill a sea shell send my wick through it. Knot wick under the shell. So it doesnt touch the sand. :)

    Yes, that may work for seascape gel candles, but not all gel candles with sand are seascapes. For those you need a crimp or beads if you use a wick.:tiptoe:

  7. I got the email this morning also. Can't remember who I got it from. They just said that names and emails were hacked, but not any personal or financial info. *sigh* And of course, it was for my "real" email and not my yahoo one. Grrr!

    Of course...it only figures you'd use your "real" email for the bank, shopping online, etc. ... we all do. I just hope that all they got were the names and email addys, and that they can't hack into anything else.:sad2:

  8. If you haven't seen it on the news yet, at least one of the major email marketing services used by big banks, shopping networks(HSN), etc. was hacked within the past week. I received an email from HSN(haven't shopped there in years) and the bank that holds our mortgage yesterday saying their email marketing provider, Epsilon Interactive, was hacked and they got everyone's name and email address BUT no personal or financial information. Both said to expect lots of spam with links or requesting personal information. Then on TV this morning, they said Best Buy, Walmart, etc. had their sites hacked - same thing. Don't know if they use Epsilon Interactive or not, but be careful. I started getting alot more spam last week and wondered why. Now I know....:angry2:

  9. I make tons of these things for wedding/event planners, restaurants, etc. Luckily, I don't have to worry about fragrance because they're usually used around food and no one orders them with scent, but I do have to custom color AND I found it more economical to order the longer wicks and make my own tealight wicks(cut and crimp wick tabs). The only way I can stand to do them is to put the cups on cookie sheets, then with the wick centering devices in hand, go to the familyroom couch and make and wick them while watching TV:laugh2:! When I pour them, I fill a comfortable sized pyrex cup and each sheet goes pretty fast. But I am always so glad when each order is done!:tiptoe:

  10. Found metallic candle dyes at Bitter Creek:


    They have silver, gold, and copper dyes. But they are made from pigment and should only be used for overdip pillars and cut 'n carve candles.

    I like the black and lipstick dyes too. How well the pillar burns with the metallic overdip I don't know. But it would be interesting to make some and test some out.

    But how they got the pretty satin ribbon effect I don't know. Maybe mold design like Stella suggested.

    I spent many hours last night scouring the net for any new finishing techniques and came up with zilch, however, I noticed alot of shops in Europe that have the velvet finish, so my guess is, if these are made here in the US someone brought the technique home with them from a trip. As far as the satin one goes, all I can think is they made 2 width of bands for the ribbon that fit the pillar tightly, spray or dip the candle for the satin, then when it's dry, remove the bands, and put the glitter on. All assuming they don't have the special equipment. The satin one is sold in their wedding section. They start at $20.00 each.

  11. I visited a candle site this morning, which for the life of me I can't remember now, but I'll keep looking for it.:embarasse Anyway, they had pictures of two pillars that were beautiful. Plain, but one had a finish on it that looked like velvet; the other had ribbons of satin. Both finishes were part of the candle, not material, and they said it was the latest thing. Just wondering, has anyone heard of this? Or know how you do it?:confused:

  12. lol! I totally LOVE the two fugly garage sale crock pot warmers I have! They work with wax, oil, and scented salt! To the point where it can be overwhelming in my house!! Wonder if you can still buy these bad boys anywhere! I'll take these over my scentsy warmer ANY day!!

    It's definately about how hot the wax gets. I can touch my scentsy one with no problems, but the crock pot one is hot to touch. No touching that thing! Guess they wouldn't be the safest things in the world, but I always remember to unplug them.

    Well, you know, I've been looking at alot of places that sell tart warmers and it's not just Scentsy that has those cutouts around them. Lots of the electric ones do now. So I guess I would ask if some of you have those and do you have scent throw problems with them too?:confused:

  13. I don't know that I'd be offended, but in today's litigious society I'd be paranoid they were cooking up a lawsuit.

    And some sellers have blocked bidders on auction sites and refused to sell to customers on websites for asking that question. Any contractor, you'd better ask...any small retailer, you'd better not. They can refuse service to anyone.:tiptoe:

  14. The wax is just some test wax from Yadley. Pillar blend. If I get interested in these then yes, I'll certainly use beeswax and consider some Genwax or IGI to use.

    I found some kid's temporary tattoos to play with. It sticks to the wax just fine. I'll test burn one tonight to see how it handles the wax consumption.

    There seems to be a bit of a rustic coating look forming on the tops.

    Eric, don't you mean Yaley? Never heard of a Yadley. They look good and I'm impressed that you got the wicking down that perfectly on your first trys.:yay: That was the hardest part for me.

  15. The temperature to which the wax is melted is the key.

    Too hot = poor throw.

    Too cool = poor throw.

    Just right = great throw.

    All melters are not created equal as everyone can attest. All tarts are not created equal. You simply have to find a melter that works well with YOUR tarts. Perhaps the Scentsy tarts work well in Scentsy melters, but that doesn't mean that other tarts will work well in them. It's a system whose components have to be compatible with one another for best results. HTH :)

    Thanks, Stella. I kinda understand. Well...I'm going to have to play(test) then because I've had alot of Scentsy customers here smelling my ht on my tart burners and they love them and want to buy them since they smell "el primo" compared to the Scentsy melts. This is a whole untapped market in my area. I think it also has something to do with the size and shape of the melt. Off to play...:tiptoe:

  16. I still don't understand how the cold throw can be so strong in my tarts, as well as the other candlemaker's tarts, and be nearly non-existant in the Scentsy warmer. Both tarts melt completely. I came out this morning, and of course they are both hardened again, and they knock your socks off with the throw. And the HT is terrific in every other tart warmer I have - both electric and tealight - so why would this happen? BTW, the bulb in my other warmers is the same size as the Scentsy. True, the other electric warmers are too hot to touch while lit, and must cool down before you can clean the bowl out, and the Scentsy bowl you can touch and pick up while it's lit because of those cutouts all the way around. But still, if the tarts' CT is great, and the tarts melt completely, why is there such a weak HT on the Scentsy? Know what I mean?:confused:

  17. Okay, I posted back in mid February in the Business Forum about my first Scentsy experience, and how my grandson's school was doing a Scenty fundraiser. I purchased a full sized Fossil Fern tart warmer from him and FINALLY got it Thursday. My impressions: the tart warmer is beautiful lit with the cutouts all the way around, but those cutouts let all the heat out.

    Some of the scents I use could almost bring tears to your eyes with the CT. When I put them in the Scentsy melter, they melt fine, but no HT at all unless you put your nose over the warmer. Other electric warmers I have with the same wattage bulbs that don't have those cutouts smell wonderful, as well as the tealight warmers I have. Why the difference?:confused: I even have someone else's tarts here that you can smell the minute you open the cupboard door...they are almost "over fragranced"...but you put them in the Scentsy warmer and nothing unless you put your nose right over it.

    For the life of me, I can't figure out why this is happening. Any ideas?:tiptoe:

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