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Everything posted by crescentridge

  1. Thanks you so much for the quick reply and explanation! I had seen people mention frosting before but did not see a clear example of it. That makes perfect sense! I am new to Soy Wax and I also noticed that many others do not dye their Soy candles - I thought perhaps it was to hide imperfections as you seem to confirm. I would like to dye my wax melts, but I can live with the small imperfections on those since they are not as noticeable. Maybe someone can chime in on their solution to prevent frosting because I would like to make candles sans frosting Again thanks!
  2. Hi Everyone, Thanks for taking time to read my post. I recently bought Golden Brands 464 Soy Wax and after about 6 different attempts I still ended up with tiny spiderweb bubbles in both my glass containers and plastic clamshells. At first I thought it had something to do with my dye because I didn't notice it at first on my lighter dye colors, but all my wax melts/candles had the same issue. I mixed in fragrances at ~185 (give or take a few degrees), removed my pour pot from the double boiler and mixed in my dyes and let rest to pour at ~140-135. I've obviously done something wrong repeatedly, I just don't know what would cause these results. Any help/feedback would be appreciated! Thanks! ~Lin
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