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Posts posted by SliverOfWax

  1. The purse is cute but I decided against it because the loopies would catch on every little thing.

    Somewhere I saw a pattern for a skirt. Or vest. Or something. It was hideous.

    You're right...it doesn't matter if you make a mistake. Nobody would ever know. I have gotten skeins that were 2 lengths of yarn tied together. Came from the factory like that. No worry.......just keep right on knitting. The knot will never show.

    Here's that hideous thing I saw. A tunic:


  2. All I remember is knit 2, pearl 1 or something along those lines using hook needles to catch the next piece of yarn to attach to the rest.

    I'll search the knit stitch and see if I think I can pull it off before buying any yarn or ordering the scarf. I'm now debating on an off white/white instead of black anyway.

    Can't believe I am even considering this when I've got testers lined up to work on...lol.

    Yeah, that's what I'm saying: you don't purl with this. Or anything other than just the knit stitch. The video is excellent. You can do it.

  3. Anyone can do it. It's not really knitting, per se. It's just the plain 'knit' stitch. And there are no tension issues, no specific size of needle, none of the stuff that involves actually 'knitting' a garmet or design. It's the yarn that makes the scarves look intricate.

  4. A lady my daughter works with makes these which I didn't even know until she came home from work with one she bought for our grandson's fiance. She bought a cream color one with an edge of gold on it. Not my style with the gold glitz either but it was very pretty. The 20ish fiance loved it so I guess they must be in style. The woman who makes them gets $25 a scarf.

    I am finally going to order that black one that I've been wanting since this thread went up :)

    Sounds like this one. It's called Starbella Flash Marble. I took this picture as I was starting one doing 10 stitches across to see if I like it better. I do. I'm going to do all my Flash ones with 10 stitches from now on.

    The second image is Red Heart Sashay Aran. It has a tiny touch of glitz in the border. I think you can tell by the picture how much softer and fluffier the Sashay is. If knitting-warehouse ever gets it back in stock, I'm gonna get a ton of it. It's unbelievably beautiful. My favorite.

    Flash Marble:


    Sashay Aran:


  5. lol. I've been knitting since high school and I don't even know what 'loom knitting' is.

    It takes me a good 3 to 4 hours to knit a ruffle scarf. Of course I get up and walk around, or wait on customers at the store. I can't and won't ever be able to make one in an hour. It takes me that long to pull and flatten the yarn.

    I've decided I like Red Heart Sashay better than Starbella because it's so much softer, but it's harder to work with. It's harder to pull apart and flatten. But it's ultra, ultra soft.

    Starbella has a kinda new one called 'Flash'. I made up a handful and really don't like it at all. It's stiffer and I'm not a glitzy, sparkley kinda person. BUT I got raves for the ones I made, so when I saw Premier has Flash on sale, I ordered 3 of each color. It's .01c more per skein than knitting-warehouse, but Premer has free shipping over $60, so it's cheaper in the long run. Since the yarn is so bulky, shipping can add easily .30c per skein.


  6. I was on yankme site looking at their upcoming spring line. I saw their "My favourite things" collection. It wad based on the sound of music song...so fragrances are whiskers on kittens, warm woolen mittens etc. I like the idea maybe for next xmas inspiration. But i noticed that they have trademarked the names like warm woolen mittens. So i assume this means i cant use it, lol. I guess i will hunt for another song like the twelve days. How can yankee trademark lyrics to a song??

    They didn't tm the lyrics. They tm'd a scent name. Perfectly acceptable and legal.

  7. I would never take orders. People go to craft shows to buy. Craft shows aren't the proper venue for special order. The only way people will place orders is if they are long term permanent customers. That might work at something like a home party.

    Plus people aren't going to want to order so close to Christmas. People will be impulse buying.

    And you have to think about delivery. How would you get the candles in the customer's hands?

    That's just my opinion.

  8. Oh, yeah, that sounds like my kind of scent.

    I like the 'frosty'. My first thought was Christmas Lavender because I never seem to have enough with actual 'Christmas' in the name, but I like Frosted Lavender better.

    What a great sounding scent!

    P.S. Or maybe Winter Lavender? Solstice Lavender?

    Oh, what fun! I love this kind of thinking.

  9. Many churches still have weekly bulletins that are available after weekly services. They are the listing of the coming weeks services and events, and the back is usually ads that local businesses post, which helps defray the cost of the printing. We have advertised in our church bulletin at a monthly cost of $25.00. Got quite a bit of business from it. You may want to check into it.:tiptoe:

    If I were going to do that, I might also say something like: Present this bulletin and get 25% off. I would probably also have an expiration date.

    A long time ago I handed customers a slip of paper offering 25% discount on next purchase with presentation of ad. I think I only got 2 or 3 of them back. It was a bust, but ya never know.

  10. I routinely run ads on Craigslist. I run them in the Household by Owner section.

    If you go with Craigslist, make sure your header is especially inviting or people won't open your ad. I always put ** in my header. The ** will separate your ad from all the others.

    An example of what I might do would be:

    **Hand Crafted Candles**Made in (your city)**

    On the inside, be sure to put specific driving directions and hours you're open.

  11. Depends. You can do this if you are well aware of how the scents react. I would imagine those doing this have a working knowledge of what they are doing. Do they offer a pick from this list and then from that etc.?

    Relying on careful note taking would lead me to believe this could be done along with an ability to test for wicking. It isn't exactly like they can just make it on site and give it to the buyer, right?

    So true, that.

    Which is true of all things. Working knowledge is so important when giving advice.

  12. It's certainly nothing new, and I have always ignored it. One very large craft show in my area got raided a couple of years ago and vendors with trademarked logos had their merchandise confiscated. There are huge fines, too.

    I've never felt the need to explain to someone why I don't buy from them. I'm more concerned with those who sell commercial products at 'craft' shows.

    If you feel the need to say something, I would notify the sponsors of the show.

  13. I ordered 12 bottles of oils 3 weeks ago from a supplier I have used for 5 years. I smelled the Gingersnap cookies and OOB it smelled like a household cleaner. Hoping after in wax it would be better.. NOT! I Emailed them and waited 5 days..no response. Then called and was told they would check into it and get back to me in a couple days. Waited another week..nothing. Called again and was told they checked into it and the oil is fine. I said..um, no its not fine, there is no way this is how Gingersnap Cookies smells. It is disgusting! Something is not right. I've bought oils for 5 years from you, this has never happened before. Well they will talk to the owner and she can get back to you. That was another week ago. I'm so irritated, I counted and have 42 of oils from this company so it's not like I'm just trying them out! OMG! How would you all handled this?

    This is why suppliers sell samples.

    If you tried a sample, then ordered and got something different, you would have a legitimate complaint.

    Truthfully, you could try 5 different Gingersnaps from 5 different suppliers and all five would probably smell different with none of them smelling like the cookies you ate years ago. Scents are highly subjective. But really, if you didn't try a sample first, I don't see a legitimate complaint.

  14. They don't specify the size and type of candle. Designing the card will take time, but once designed, no big deal.

    Would a votive fit their needs? Velvet bag, around .50c each. You might consider making them yourself. Box, maybe .35c each.

    By tomorrow? No way.

    Price-wise, it's definitely doable. You won't make much but it's a chance for decent advertising. Since by law your contact info has to be somewhere on the product, it might pay off. You should already know exactly how much it costs you to produce a candle. Add the cost of packaging and go from there. If you do decide to do the order, get at least 50% up front. That way, your costs are covered in case they bail on you. And draw up a contract. Treat it like a fundraiser.

    But again, by tomorrow? Not a chance.

    Having said all that, I personally wouldn't even respond, and I most definitely would NOT have opened an attachment from a stranger. But that's just me.

  15. The wet board (I can't think what they're called, either, lol) is a good idea.

    Truth is it doesn't matter how you display your price, they're still gonna ask. It's one of life's little mysteries.

    Another one of life's little mysteries, and one that makes me crazy, is you have to encourage people to take off lids and sniff. Otherwise, they'll stand there snorting a lid 'til they're blue in the face.

    I have a long list of mysteries.

  16. Is it a trade show or a craft show? They are worlds different.

    As far as pricing, I used to print the price on my labels. That didn't stop people from gawking all over the thing, then asking, "how much are these?" The bad thing about printing the price on the label is you might change your pricing from time to time, even weekend to weekend, depending on how you sell.

    Yes, recycled plastic grocery bags are tacky. Equally tacky is table covers that don't reach the floor/ground.

  17. You need to read the forum. You don't say what you wish to make. Much, much more information is needed.

    And remember, other crafters in your area aren't going to want to reveal their trade secrets.

    You learn by researching and doing. You can't learn by doing what someone else does.

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