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Posts posted by Grannyscandles

  1. Some melt and pour scents are fine for CP..others are not so great. I don't think vanilla will hold up to the chemical process of CP very well.

    If I were you I would run to your local health food store or even Wal Mart and look for some essential oils. Lavender is one of my very favorites and I always have a good supply of it on hand. Another good all purpose EO is Tea Tree.

  2. This sounds really bad but could you have fleas in your bed? If you sleep with pets it is totally possible.

    Lots of rashes are irritated by heat and maybe that is why you start itching in the middle of the night when you are all snuggled in and warm.

    I don't it's your soap. It sounds like something else is going on.

  3. I created a recipe today and the numbers look like this:

    Hardness 45

    Cleansing 15

    Conditioning 51

    Bubbly 24

    Creamy 38

    Iodine 51

    INS 143

    My first question is :

    How reliably do these numbers translate to a real bar of soap?

    My second question is about the range of number provided for each category.

    For example: Hardness is 29-54 and harder is better right? But not at the expense of other properties right?

    As a soaper, where do you aim for in each range for the different kinds of soaps you make(facial soap, body soap, hand soap, shampoo bars etc).

    I aimed for the middle range on all the properties (cleansing, conditioning, bubbly and creamy) while trying for the hardest bar possible (Iodine, Hardness and INS). I have yet to try this recipe.

    Any thoughts on the property values in general?

  4. I bought the mini mold and it is perfect for my needs but my first batch in it stuck like super glue. I waited 24 hours. No chance it was coming out. Put it in the freezer. NO GO. Finally did get the dividers out and waited awhile longer. NOPE...Ended up scraping it off the bottom piece. My soap looks kinda blech as a result.

    So do I need to spray the mold with something? I did order some sodium lactate as I know that aids in mold release but til then...or if I don't want to use the sodium lactate...then what?

  5. I have been making soap since 2003 but have been in hiatus since my son was born in 2007. Pre-Isaac I used Summer Bee Meadow's lye calculator. I noticed that it is never mentioned here and others seem to reign as the GO TO calcs.

    I put a recipe in both this morning and got quite different water amounts. One was 17.6 ounces. The other was 20 ounces. Any idea why this is?

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