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Everything posted by Rivermist_Chris

  1. Yes... my name is Chris and I am pour dysfunctional. This is the first time in 20 years that I've poured a candle. Actually, I take that back. The last candle I helped my kids make was an ice candle in a mold. Anyone remember the days of ice candles? No? Man I'm old. In any case, I poured a 50/50 blend of bee wax and paraffin in containers a few minutes ago. Because I am a klutz, wax dripped down on the outside of my containers. Is there some easy method to remove said unwanted wax from the outside of the container once the candle sets?
  2. Thanks! I just order five pounds of beeswax, wicks, and a pour vessel off of Amazon. I have a ton of mason jars sitting around from when I decided to make a stab at canning. I made some pretty mean hot pepper jelly! But canning was not for me. So I figured I could use those as test vessels before I head into pouring wax in the pottery. My big question is what wick do I use for beeswax? Is it different?
  3. Hi all, I'm a newbie to the forum so bear with me. When I was 10 years old, back in the stone age, my oldest sister made candles when she was in high school and made a pretty good profit. I was a goofy kid and followed her around like a puppy, so I learned from her; melting the wax, adding color and scent, making the wick stick up straight, etc. Much of the process has stuck with me, but I haven't made a candle in 20 years, and then I flew by the seat of my pants. Fast forward to today, I now work in ceramics. Someone from a Facebook pottery group suggested this forum after I asked a question about candle making. My daughter throws on the wheel and I handbuild, and we sell at vending events, on Etsy and consign at an artisan boutique. The other evening I got this brainy idea to turn some of our containers that have not been moving into candles. Again, I am not a complete beginner, but boy have things changed since 1971!!!! Sometimes reading the forums here is like reading Greek. But then I'm sure I know pottery terminology that y'all would be stumped by. Back in the day, the only candle wax we had a choice of was paraffin. There were no beads. There was no such thing as a wood wick. Now the choices of supplies make your head spin! I may be asking a lot of "newbie" questions if I can't find answers in the forums. Thanks for letting me play with y'all.
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