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  1. Hi, So at my job we sell candles that are made by Yankee candle call American Home. They come in these round containers with silver lids. Has anyone ever seen these? Do you know where I can find these containers or what they are called? Bath and Body sells their candles in the same type of container. Thanks. Anthony
  2. Hi,How would I go about finding how much wax I need to fill a cookie sheet? I am trying to make a sheet of wax but am not sure how to go about calculating this. It does not have to fill it the entire way but be thick to pick up without breaking. Also, I am so glad to have this website. This is a blessing in disguise when I found this Thanks.Anthony- This is for a school project. I have to make a sheet of wax. I saw a youtube video of someone making a Candle Pie using a cookie sheet and pouring wax on there which gave me the idea of doing it that way.
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