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  1. Great examples, and I think I got the general idea you laid out but that brings me to another question. What is the true percentage? 7.4 or 6.9? Is the % just different because of use of grams in place of ounces and vice versa? This is where I get majorly confused. Please bare with me. That to me brings in another equation when I am trying to measure what works and what doesn't when testing candles. Sorry, I have a difficult time picturing anything math equated in my mind. Makes it really hard to grasp somethings.
  2. Thanks Clear Black. If its actually 7.4% I am completely fine with that. I'm just glad I was close enough (which I was unsure of). And I will take note on weighing in OZ. I just thought if I weighed in grams I could be more exact. Thanks again.
  3. Hello everyone, I am new to this site and fairly new and very green to candle making. I am pretty insecure about my math abilities and I was hoping someone or more or many could advise on the following- I am still in the experimental and testing stages and I weigh my soy wax in grams (digital scale). Right now I weigh out (383 grams) of soy and add 1oz of fragrance oil (NOT essential oil). My question is: This would be a 7.5% fragrance load...correct? Or do I have this wrong? No worries about offending me if I'm wrong, I am well aware of my limits and shortcomings. However, what I am looking for here on this post-forum is confirmation or correction. There is something else i was wondering about. Should I be weighing my soy in grams or OZ? Or does it even matter? In case you need any other details please feel free to ask. I will keep my eye on this and answer promptly . Thank you in advance to any one who chimes in. I've only discovered this site a couple months ago and so far you seem like good people.
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