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Dorothy Mantooth

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Posts posted by Dorothy Mantooth

  1. thanks everyone.

    I'm not disputing anyone's claims, I'm just trying to figure out for myself and what I'm making. All summer I've been working with small tins that hold 5oz and 2.7oz. Most of my longer burns are with paraffin. I've tested a gaggle of wick types/sizes. I'm trying to compare my results per wick size against the manufactures rate of consumption to see where I line up. I know the MFG suggestions don't take into account which type of wax is being used, FO, etc. They don't state what setup they use to get their rate of wax consumption estimates.


    If I hear a 16oz paraffin lasts 120 hours, then that tells me it's performing at about 7.5 hours per ounce of wax. (120/16=7.5.)

    This seems like a pretty slow burning wick. If I knew the maker used zincs, I might guess they used 36-24-24 or 44-20-18, because the zinc chart shows those two sizes burn between .11 and .14 ROC and 1/7.5= .13. 


    A CD8 chart shows .20 oz/hr, which would be 5 hours per ounce of wax. I'm guessing if I used a CD8 in a 16oz jar I could expect somewhere around 80 hours (5*16=80).


    In my case, my longest burning candle so far is an 8oz tin (5oz wax) at 25 hours. (candle1: nutmeg ginger FO 10%, NW Elite 200 soy)

    It's using an eco8 which ROC chart shows .26  (hotter than CD8). It would be 3.8 hours per ounce of wax. So I should be getting aprox. 19 hours.

    I'd suggest if I observe the candle performing well from flame then this is pretty good.


    I have another 8oz, eco8 with a different fragrance (candle2: tobacco cherry FO10%, NW Elite 200 soy). it lasted 16 hours and my notes said the flame was too big, smoking and eventually the wick snuffed itself out. This one didn't make it to 19 hours with this FO. I mentioned I'm using this spreadsheet where I calculate a ROC after every burn period and then I look across the chart at the set of candles I'm burning and try to see if one is hotter than another based on the manufacturers charts.


    There is another element that differs between these two candles.  Candle 1 was tested using 3 hour initial burn and then 2 hour periods afterwards. cooling overnight in between)

    Candle 2 was tested doing 4 hour burn periods each time and cooling overnight)

    I've tested a set of about a dozen doing the 4 hour burn times and I think only three are still alive. They get so hot during 4 hours that the wicks curl over into the wax. On some of them I know I could fish the wick back up straight, but I'm calling it a dud at this point. I'm assuming the consumer might not do that, or forget and then the next day when it's cooled the wick is not recoverable.


    anyway, it all may be poop, I just think it's interesting to consider.

    I'm still not happy with my wick/wax combo and have a bunch of other wicks coming this weekend. I plan on keeping the same charting and hopefully I'll discover something worthwhile to share.



  2. I wish you could set up a system like a one-year bible plan for craft server. You’d get notifications like “you have 245 more posts to read before the end of the day to stay on track”. I love the unread content tab but in down time I try to read as much as I can about a certain problem I’m having or just pick one of the topics to go through. I feel I’ve only scratched the surface. I see a button that says “mark entire site read”. It’s tempting sometimes!

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  3. I looked at a jar online and it’s their classic large jar. 22oz. It says “mottled wax”. I just mentioned palm because I thought that’s what gave the mottled look. Can you achieve that look with soy or parrafin? I haven’t explored any dyes or special waxes like that.   I looked at one jar on amazon and it said “mineral wax”. I’ve never seen that before. 

  4. Apologies if this has been discussed, I couldn't find it in my searches. At Walmart today I noticed they had large Yankee candles. I've only been in the Yankee store one time and I don't own any. The warning sticker says something like 115 hours. Is that because of Palm wax? I know I don't have a great candle yet, but my soys are 15-20 hours. I know my 8oz tin is a lot smaller. I've made some 4630 that lasted 25+. What's realistic with soy 8oz tin with 5oz wax?

    • Like 1
  5. I try to go back and read as much on here as I can when I have spare time, or when my wife is watching football. :) It looks like I started with 464 back in the spring where I'm now seeing everyone was having so many problems. I only had a 10lb bag. I tried a few candles and didn't like 464 so i moved on and tested other waxes. If you buy 464 now is it ok, or is the issue from spring just the new normal?  I pulled it out today to make some more samples adding 4693, but now I'm wondering if I have wax that's going to be different than if I order a new box next week. 

  6. I think what you do is awesome! By out of place, I meant the rest seemed more seasonal or were all warm/homey. I love lavender myself. I finally experimented with lavender EO last weekend in a candle. my scales were not working right and I ended up measuring out way too much. I tried to get it back in the bottle, but it just went everywhere. My wife in the living room said the smell gave her a headache. I waited until she wasn't home to test burn it.


    It excites me to see you getting large orders like that. I'm hoping my learners struggle ends soon and I'm able to produce a candle that works well. I love all the different scents and possibilities. Upon your advice to someone else, I bought a pound of FC Balsam Fir. That's the most FO I've bought at once. If nothing else, my house will smell like Christmas this year for sure!

  7. I reordered your list so you can see them in similar scent groupings. I'm not familiar with many of these scents, so my groupings was a best guess of what I thought they were. The four at the bottom seem out of place. The rest seem like autumn scents. I gave my two cents and included the ones from Jcandleattic and bfroberts that I thought were good.


    Macintosh Apple – Fall Harvest
    Apple-Maple-Bourbon – Whisky Barrel
    Hot Apple Pie – Apple Brown Betty, Apple Pandowdy, Apple Cobbler
    Farmhouse Cider – Mulled Cider
    Hay-apple-clover - Hayride (Jcandleattic)


    Oatmeal-Milk-Honey – Sweet Cream
    Vanilla Bean Noel – Sackett's Sugar Shack
    Flannel Sheets – Corduroy, Calico (bfroberts)


    Leather – Saddle & Tack
    Firewood – Cozy Cabin


    Candy Corn (leave as is)
    Chestnuts and Brown Sugar - Ma’s Kitchen (Jcandleattic)
    Pumpkin Caramel Crunch – Pumpkin Blossom, Pumpkin Bumpkin


    Balsam Fir – Home for Christmas, Tannenbaum,
    Blue Spruce (I agree, redundant scent)
    Winterberry (leave as is)
    Country Christmas (leave as is)


    (these four feel out of place)
    Lemon Verbena
    Lime Basil

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  8. Marshmallow scent is one of the things that turned me on to making candles. We bought a candle from a shop on vacation. I don't remember what the label said, twig maybe, but I recall it smelling like marshmallow and men's cologne. I burned that sucker until the end. I tried mixing my own marshmallow concoction but it was a dud. 

  9. I love drinking coffee so my first FO was fresh coffee and I mixed it with amaretto nog. It ended up stinking so bad. I packed finished testers in a box and in a spare room closet and my wife still complained. I ended up scraping it all into the trash. Days later before trash pickup you could smell it in the backyard. I guess it got nice and toasty in the hot trash can. I never burned one because the CT was so off putting. I did keep one lidded jar for sentimental reasons. I pull off the lid every now and then. I really want to try another coffee FO sometime. 

    • Like 1
  10. Most times the burn period is the same. I wouldn't evaluate rows so different burn times. Yes, I let it cool down enough. I'm testing from 6-10pm each night. One burn period. 


    I have continuted to weigh weigh after each burn session. I added rows of "standard" rate of burn per the different wick mfg. I'm not getting a definitive answer yet, but if I look at several rows of the same item (wax/wick/fo%) and see it burned .6-.7 and I can calculate a Eco 2 at the same burn time is .7 then I feel like that's something. If mine is showing .4 for example I'd conclude it might be burning too cool, or whatever conclusion I come up with. I'll share the file if I think it's turning out helpful data to look at. 

  11. The skinny:

    Wax: NW Elite 200 soy (not the new ecosoy)

    Wicks: eco2, cd8, htp 41,62

    FO: 10% TCS Tobacco Cherry

    Cure: plenty of time. Testing some weeks old & months old. 

    Container: 4oz tin

    Problem: 4 hour burn cycles 


    I'm trying to nail down 4oz tins. I don't know why exactly but I like this little size. I've been testing for a couple months with, multiple FO, all at 10% and Eco 2 had been great. At that time I was test burning 2-3 hours initial burn and 2 hours every additional burn. I read about the ASTM 4 hour burns so I gave it a shot. I had testers months old that hadn't burned and some weeks old. After four hours my little tins are almost all liquid and the flams were too tall. The next day the wicks had disappeared/sunk under the wax. I removed the wicks and am testing Eco 1 in them tonight. CD8 extinguished itself at 3 hours. I know nobody is using the wax I've chosen, but what are you using for a 4oz tin. Is this size tin just impossible? Should I move to a 6oz?  I did just spend $50 on buying more wicks to test:RRD, CD4, cotton core, LX and square brade-all on the smaller side. Zincs absolutely do not work. My tests with HTP are not good. 


    So so far over not let anyone other than my wife see my candles. Today I let a coworker smell a new one CT. It's this cherry tobacco I love. In excitement I said "don't you love this!?" He said "no". Crushed. I know everyone likes different smells but I've been working with this scent all summer!


    appreicate any suggestions. Can I bribe someone to buy a test of this wax next time they do a Filmore purchase? 

  12. 1 hour ago, Candybee said:

    I sell shaving mugs I get from a local potter. She makes them special for me for my shaving soaps. They have a well in the bottom where my soaps fit just right and my company name on an applique she puts on to. They are beautiful. I have a lot of people ask me for shaving brushes too but I won't sell anything that isn't handmade by me. The shaving mugs are the only things I sell I don't make.


    Sooooo... I have been pondering making my own shaving brushes and looking into that. The shaving knots in badger fur can be expensive so if I do make them they won't be cheap. The handles I would commission a local woodworker to make for me if I decide to make the brushes. So I am just keeping the idea on the back burner for the time being until I feel ready to add the expense of making them... plus the time to learn and make them.


    Here's some photos of last years mugs. The ones I have for this year are even better but I don't have any pics of them.






    BTW-- TT makes some nice pottery and shared some pics of her shaving mugs in the craft section I think..

    Thos are beautiful!

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, michellem said:

    I use 3oz for every 1lb of wax but haven't gotten a great HT yet.


    Welcome! I’ve found Lots of nice folks giving great advice and years worth of topics to read on here. 


    I might be wrong, but it might be that you’re using too much FO per pound.  


    My my understanding is 1oz FO per 1lb wax is about 6%. (I think 6% is actually 0.9oz). I often use 1.6oz per pound which should be 10%. (1lb is 16oz)


    3oz per pound would be like 20+%?


    seems like I heard talk about too much FO not burning correct. 

    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, Nickie said:

    This shows testing of all 3 new waxes. Read further. 

    Unless I'm totally missing something, the link reviews the three new Ecosoya Quantum products Q210, Q220, Q230. The wax I'm referring to is called NW Elite 200. It's not a new wax. It is manufactured by Cargill. https://www.cargill.com/doc/1432078142698/naturewax-elite-200-product-handling.pdf.

    The Ecosoya products are manufactured by NGI, Nature's Gift International. So me asking about NW Elite 200 does sound similar to Natures Gift Ecosoya 210. :)


    I would love to find someone who is currently using this product. I only have luck using ECO wicks with it. I've started mixing 4630 in different percentages and other wicks CD and HTP are working some.

  15. I'm sure everyone has their favorite way of collecting information about your candles on test sheets. I wanted to see if I could tell a difference in amount of wax consumed per burn based on the type of wick used.  I've been collecting data on a spreadsheet and now I'm trying to figure out if it's helpful in any way.  I list each candle by container size, wax used, wick used and FO%. Then I have an initial weight after I make the candle that I start with.  I burn 4 hours and when the wax has re-solidified I weight it again. I know know the amount of wax burned by that type/size of wick per that specific burn period.  An example looks like this:


    8oz Tin     NW Elite 200    Eco6    10%FO      5.2 beg wt. |  1.4 end wt. | burn rates -  .5  |  .4  |  .3  |  .3  |  .3  |  .6  |  .3  |  1.1  (this one was 3hr initial burn, then 2 hour burns)

    8oz Tin     4630                  HTP 41   0%FO     4.7 beg wt. | still burning  |  burn rates- .4  |  .4  |  .6  |  .4  |  (this is doing 4 hour burns each time)


    I'm thinking if you follow the first line, it appears my candle is burning more up front, then consistent for three burns, then a big burn, and then two smaller burns.



  16. OK, I'm attaching photos of my first test with 4630, no FO, multiple wicks (description on photo), wicks trimmed to 1/4" before burn,  and after a 4 hour burn. One photo is after the 4 hours before I blew out and one after blown out so you can better see melt pool.  my initial thoughts is that zinc did not work. the entire time the flame was super poor. I like the CD's and HTP's. You might not be able to see in the photos, but HTP 62 and CD 10 made the best pool after 4 hours and they both burned well throughout. Let me know your thoughts. Do I continue 4 hour burns until wax is gone to determine which wick to go with for FO?



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  17. I got a sample of 4630 to test. Boy does it feel weird, but I kinda liked it! I'm heeding the advice I've read from many and am starting with no FO. I'm testing in 8oz tins using zinc, CD, and HTP in various sizes based on wick charts. I see a cure time of 24 hrs for this wax. Is that enough time to test for wick only with this paraffin?


    I also had a few tins of the soy Ive been using (NW elite 200) that were already wicked with Eco. I haven't been sold on the Eco. I read some comments about pulling out a wick to test a differ wick. I was happy to find that it was really easy to pop out the wick and put a new one in. I didn't have to remedy anything. I just popped it in, trimmed, and started burning. I'm testing cd and htp in this soy. So far the flames are much more controlled than the ecos. 

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  18. I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for all of you and the wisdom you share. There are so many great threads to try to go back and read, I often get overwhelmed. I'm sure you who are experienced get tired of newbys asking questions that you've answered a dozen times before.  I love the search function and try to read everything posted about a question I'm having. Anyway...just thanks!

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