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Posts posted by Incendia

  1. Just now, glasllyn said:


    Right. It's hard to know if you're getting what you think you're getting.


    As a hobbyist who probably will move onto another hobby over the summer, I doubt I'll go that route. Just too many unknowns.


    That said, I do need to get control of my work area. I have finished candles all over the place, and FO bottles 'organized' on surfaces...  A few years ago, because of their pervasive scents, I had to move my little bottles into the garage. Think I'll have to do that again, especially now since I have so many more.  I now can smell scents in most areas of the house when I return home, even when no candles are burning. This house has a relatively open floor plan, so it's difficult to close off areas. Besides, I don't want to be working in a closed off area because of air circulation. So I'm dammed if I do, and dammed if I don't.


    Of late I have been more stuffed up. But it's also spring here, with open windows and many blooming flowers outside. Hard to tell what is causing what. But if there is an additive aspect to the allergens, and I can reduce the FO scents in the house, I need to do it. I think I've been like the frog in the heating water - I didn't notice it was getting too hot till it already was too hot.


    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, glasllyn said:


    I haven't purchased an air purifier because so many of them are ineffective. Would love a rec for an effective model.


    I was just looking at Amazon at their air purifiers. There are a great many of them, and the price range is significant. That's not including any $ for filter changes. And if you read outside opinions/articles on air purifiers, they just may not do what we think they might/should.

  3. Weekend before last, something similar happened to me. I have mild allergies that usually don't cause many problems. But with all the fragrance oils and sniffing them, etc, the next day (sunday) I was so extremely dizzy (vertigo) and nauseous, I literally could not get out of bed or turn my head. I was forced to stay immobile the entire day. No moving, no food, nothing.  It was some sort of ear thing exacerbated by allerigies/sinus caused by too much scent in the air.


    Fortunately it passed and in a day or two and I was fine, mostly. But.. for me.. I'm going to have to be extremely careful and keep windows open, and perhaps fans. And limit my sample sniffing, especially florals. And when I feel any sort of allergic reaction (sniffling, sneezing...), stop and leave the room.


    Fortunately it's just a hobby for me, cuz I can see having to stop, ...and I wouldn't like that.

    • Like 1
  4. On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 8:38 AM, Trappeur said:

    This is the shop that sells many fragrances of wine that I make for her and she is really doing a knock out job on this.  Maybe some blends or something?


    I haven't read all the previous suggestions, and this isn't necessarily for fall, but what about some non-grape wines? Elderberry wine, Dandelion, peach, plum, etc.


    Or a nice Sangria? The name is evocative, and you'd have nice variety of fruit options especially with summer approaching.



  5. Quote

    Use code March20Scents to save 20% on all 1 pound candle and soap fragrances, with a minimum $75 purchase (before fragrances), while supplies last. Promo code may be used one time per customer. Multiple promo codes cannot be used on the same order. Offers valid for internet orders only. Offer ends March 12, 2017. - See more at: http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c100&title=On Sale#sthash.rUcwWSUR.dpuf


    My interpretation is you have to buy $75 of other things before being able to take advantage of the fragrance sale. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Moonstar said:

    The peach waffle sounds great !

    so does the lemon ? wildflower which lemon and wildflower did you try? 

    Your good at this ?


    Thanks. :)

    I do like the toned-down 'peach waffle'. The Full Waffle is a bit too intense for my naïve sense of smell.


    For the 'white peach', I used Flaming's Lemon Verbena (nice and clean and lemony) and the wildflower is the Aztec 'Wildflower' in their close-out section. A good deal at $20 for 2 pounds, plus shipping.

    • Like 1
  7. I love blending things. If I get a bunch of samples and some are 'less than', I'll try to come up with mixtures to salvage them. It sometimes works. :) 


    I also will mix samples of the same type together. Vanillas, lavenders thus far. I'm a hobbyist and don't need to find that perfect or consistent vanilla (etc) to please customers, so it works for me.


    I love making 'blossom' scents. Lemon blossom, orange blossom, cherry, peach....   I use whatever fruit scent I have, then mix it with that inexpensive, overstock 'wildflower' that Aztec is selling. I quite like that. And the blends that I get are quite nice.


    I did try blending a bourbon scent with wildflower and hated it. It's not horrible, but I just don't like booze scents. The silk purse did not emerge from the sow's ear.  I have a friend with no sense of smell. She burns candles and will like the color, lol.


    I also like blending conifer scents. 'Bayberry', cedar, various firs. They all seem to go together well and I love 'em. 


    I also like to add peach to things. I love my 'peach waffle' scent. :)


    Lemon is a good mixer too. I made a delectable 'white peach' from peach/lemon/wildflower. 2:1:2.  Very appealing.  

    • Like 2
  8. Selling scents is actually different than selling many other things. You can't see a picture of it. Or hear it. You have to smell it yourself, or to a lesser extent to decide on a purchase, trust what someone else is saying about it. And what can be said about a scent to entice you to buy? A catchy name, the supplier's effusive description, and other customers' reviews (including opinions from here).


    They can name it something cute to catch your attention - Love spell, Butt Naked, Monkey Farts, etc. But those do nothing to tell you what the scent is about. Other names, such as peach, lemon, bourbon, at least give you a clue.


    Suppliers descriptions probably give, or should give, the best information. But they are trying to sell you their product (not necessarily a bad thing) and many of their descriptions are trying to set a mood more than 'this smells like that' sort of comments. (Hence why one might favor buying from sites that have a track record of earned trust.)


    So then we get back to reviews. What I realize is that often it is the sheer number of reviews a scent gets that influences me more than what is said. (Unless there are many 3 and 4 stars given.) This only works at the larger sites, but it tells me people are buying and re-buying it. And that it's more likely to be pleasing.


    In the end, I'll buy pretty much what I want and decide for myself... but it is interesting to me how these scents are sold. Live and learn. :)



    I almost forgot. Some sites allow giving thumbs up or down for reviews. And I've seen people get negative responses for giving negative reviews. Really? That's another way to prevent honest evaluations.

  9. 1 hour ago, craftwerks said:

    Im looking for something similar, but I really prefer something that would be easy to remove after using the candle.


    I'm not sure you'll be able to find both something really strong, and still be able to remove it from the bottom of a glass container.


    One of my other hobbies is making glass mosaics. I use a caulk with some silicon in it (not Permatex) to adhere my glass bits to the surface. I want 'permanent' and hot glue would not be enough. Once dry, it is impossible to remove the caulk I use from the glass. Once I changed my mind about something, and tried to salvage the glass and remove the dry caulk from the bits... I tried boiling it, chipping away at it - even soaking in straight pool acid. Nothing budges it.

  10. 2 hours ago, Moonstar said:

    OMG your totally motivating me - your so so bad LMAO !!  


    LOL, you people are such a bad influence.... Every time I read one of these threads I want to put in another order.


    Incendia... back away from the computer... put that PayPal password away...

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks. I've always been acronym challenged. I often do use that acronym thread, but there are just so many of them used, and that takes time, I often just don't look them up unless it's something I'm really interested in.


    The other day someone wrote something like: Have you tried xxx from xxx? It's very similar to xxx from xxx.... 

    Not only were supplier names abbreviated, but so were the scent names. It was Greek to me, lol. Fortunately people often will spell out the fragrance name somewhere in a thread, so that is helpful.

  12. Hi Greg...


    You have asked many questions that would take a long time to adequately answer, ....and I am certainly not qualified to answer them. But there is much information here buried in back threads. If you don't get the answers you desire from this thread, I'd suggest you either do searches for the information you want (searches in thread titles have given me the best results), or start with this front page, and go back, page by page, and read any threads that are pertinent to your interests. That's what I've done and think I'm on about page 13.


    If you still have specific questions (and you probably will), come back and ask them.

    • Like 1
  13. 23 hours ago, glasllyn said:

    I love scents like those. I use a lot of cedar and cedar blends, but have not purchased a cedar vanilla. 



    I LOVE Flaming's Saffron/Cedar. (or is it Cedar/Saffron?).


    Can you recommend any other Cedar scents I might try?


    And in my next order from Flaming, I'm going to try the Cedar/Redwood. I've been eyeing that one.

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