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Smell Obsessed

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Everything posted by Smell Obsessed

  1. Does anyone have experience using Jelly Jars (Like grape Jelly for sandwiches) for candles? I truly hate to throw out glass jars like this. But not sure if they are capable of handling the heat? Thanks in advance
  2. So, I am slightly overwhelmed. Hot/Cold Throw? OF? 8564? I have no idea what all these numbers or acronyms mean LOL Is there a lingo reference? I am a newbie. Where do I even start (besides here )? is there a book that will explain all this? What kind of wax to buy? Fragrances? What wicks? Is it a waste of $$ to buy a kit? I am definitely overwhelmed with my brief excitement of making my own candles LOL
  3. So, I am obsessed with Candles!! Like, Good, Strong Smelling, Burns forever Candles! I even live next to a Yankee Candle outlet. Love going in there. Have even thought about applying for a job. Anywho, while walking through Michaels today, getting yarn for a knitting project, I walked past the candle making section. Started to think about all the money I spend at Yankee candle a month. How I am burning a candle every day. I have glass containers I obsess on not throwing out (Jelly jars, candle jars, wine bottles etc) Why not make my own candles? So I kept myself from making a mass purchase of supplies at Michaels, since as a know the yarn isn't the best, so figured I should probably do online research first, before dropping the plastic card. So I found you guys. Seems after pinning a lot of recipes, I have read the comments that there seems to be a very particular science to this all. So, I am now trying to not be overwhelmed either lol. Thinking I may need to buy a notebook to write down recipes with what does and doesn't work. So bear with me as I may go alittle crazy on posts once I get the supplies. Glad to be here!
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