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Posts posted by Jane42

  1. We bought several cases of 4794 at C&S in March. Except for it being a little cloudy - which we aren't used to - our pours and repours appear to be the same as the old batch. The burn, scent throw, etc. has not changed - still good.

    Please keep us updated - there is nothing worse than being in the busy season and noticing that something has changed!

  2. We add a couple leftover wicks to ours. We don't sell them - just give them to friends and family.

    At the C&S workshop, they suggest not wicking them because people may think they are a candle and just put them somewhere and light them. :rolleyes2

  3. We are testing and I think I am way off on the the wick size. I started with an LX22 (3x4 crystal palm pillar) and I have a nice circle the size of a quarter burning down the middle....lol

    Any suggestions on what size LX I should be testing with this size pillar? Does anyone having any wicks they would like to sell that you think may be closer to what I need? The LX22 was the highest I had and I don't want to buy a 100 of each of the next sizes...lol (Hmmm, now I am wondering if it was an LX20 I tested...need to check my records!)

    I really love this wax - thanks all for giving me the courage to try it!



  4. I checked at Levines and it seems they discontuined the baby warmer jars. All I found on there site was 2 of them and they were on clearance. Oh well back to looking Regina

    We did such a large order last year that I hadn't been to their site for awhile...how disappointing that they are not carrying them anymore.

    We did have a few returned to us last year that didn't work. Maybe they ran into a problem with that style.

  5. I just wanted to thank everyone for their help!

    The pillar did come out and it is a beauty! We are going to take a picture of it and I will attempt to post it in the gallery.

    I tried the heat gun on low and it slid right out. I was amazed at how beautiful it is and the scent....mmmmmmmm.....I just love it!

    I "overheated" the votives so when they released, most of the crystal design was gone. I burned it today and it was scrumptious. I may have to wick up on that...I think I started with an LX16. It did pretty good, so that may be the one, but I just want to check an LX18 to be sure.

    Thanks again!


  6. We order our "baby jar" warmers from Levines. (I think the last time we ordered they were around $5-6 ea.) We sell them with clear glass votive holders. We do not make votives without wicks to go in them...people just buy the votives and they can choose to burn them or put them in the melter.

    If all you sell is wickless, I guess it would make sense to do it that way. In our case, since we sell votives, I wouldn't want to have to keep a supply of votives and wickless "votives" in all of our scents.

    Although, there was that day when we poured votives and then realized we had never put the wick pins in......lol

  7. Thank you so much for all of your replies!

    I will probably end up trying all of your suggestions before I get that stubborn guy out!!! (notice the difficult ones are always GUYS! LOL)

    Now I am thinking I didn't research this enough! I see mention of palm stearic. Is this an additive that needs to be used for a good burn? Or would just help in the removal of the pillar? Will definitely need to do more research!

    In my research, I did find a suggestion to add "mold release" to the wax - will need to check that out also.

    Sabrina, I had to laugh when I saw the air compressor idea....only because my son has a huge air compressor in his garage and I can just see my pillar being "launched" over the horizon if I attempted to use it...lol I know my husband has a air compresser somewhere...........

    Ohhhh, I just want to see our pretty candle.....lol

    Thanks again, all, for your help. I will let you know if we are able to save it


  8. We FINALLY ventured into making our first pillar - crystal palm pillar wax with NG's Iced Pineapple...mmmmmm. I was TOTALLY excited about this...had been planning and researching these boards for quite awhile......but a little while ago my business partner emailed me and said that she can't get the darn thing out of the mold!! :mad:

    I did lightly spray the mold - and gently took a papertowel and wiped it around - but now I am wondering if I didn't leave enough oil and if the wick pin had any cooking spray on it....:(

    We made this candle on Saturday - she tried to remove it yesterday. Would we have had better luck if we had tried to remove it that day? The next day??

    I am so disappointed! I guess we will try the fridge or heat gun, but what a bummer if I can't see how beautiful it was!!! lol

    Any other ideas as to how I can get this little guy out of the mold without causing too much damage?

  9. Their website is a bit difficult to read...and I just love their disclaimer:

    Now, for our disclaimer......Just because we can make money selling these finished products, doesn't mean that everyone can. Some people just can't seem to accomplish even the simplest of task. You need common sense and a little "get up and go". If you can't manage to do what we can, please don't complain to us. We have plenty of customer who can.

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Darn, they do have some cute ones though. If I had seen this site earlier, I might have tried to order a few different styles. If it takes that long for delivery, though, it will be too much of a rush to get them together before the shows start.

    I will have to keep them in mind for next year...

  10. If you want repeat sales, I would worry about all the contact info being on a hangtag that would be thrown away. Also, we do not have a website, so most of our sales are from shows. I would be afraid that by the time they traveled, the cello would be looking kind of worn.

    If you have no way of making or ordering labels and just want to get your items out there, and like the way they look, then go for it!

    Just make sure that you do have the warning labels on the jar somewhere....

  11. I get mine from Just Scent, the bottle is so pretty (the square) and the reeds are awesome. It took me forever to find reeds that would not clog or throw properly. I have tried those other kits from Natures Garden (the same ones All White carries I think) and I was not pleased with the scent throw from the reeds. Here's one of mine. I believe you get 60 bottle sets for $72, and you can buy 100 reeds for $12.95. The diffuser oil is fantastic too (both from JS and NG):

    I didn't know JS sold these! I wanted to order from All White, but just wanted to start with a few and see how they worked. I already order from JS, so I wouldn't be adding another supplier!! lol

    I have tried the ones from C&S and have not been pleased with the scent throw, but I have only tried two scents...

    Do these come in a clear box that you can put your own business info on?

  12. Personally, love BCN - hate their site & shopping cart - happy for me will be the day when they make it user friendly, cuz it's not!

    I so agree with you there! We are small, so I am only ordering from them a few times a year - but when I do, it is totally FRUSTRATING!!

    I remember the first time I ordered from them - it must have taken me an hour to check out!

    The last order I did I somehow asked it to charge my paypal...which had nothing in it...:embarasse As soon as I realized it I emailed them. It was a Friday night, of course. I called them first thing Monday and they fixed it. No complaints as far as their product or customer service so far...just the darn website! lol

  13. My son received a package yesterday that he had ordered off ebay. The seller had not only turned a priority box inside out but had used a padded UPS envelope inside to protect the contents!

    Both of these packaging items were brand new...no old addresses or postage tapes on them.

  14. Jane42

    I know these are'nt glass but acrylic. They have inserts in them that can be painted or whatever. The paint or drawing would'nt get scratched off this way.

    You could just pass around the inserts to be painted or drawn on with paint or colored pencils and then put them together.

    Just my 2 cents, no change please.


    Thank you! I will also pass this along to my sister. I know she wanted to paint, then bake, the paint onto the glass - but maybe doing it this way would be easier...no baking necessary.

    I will certainly let her know!

  15. Hi! I rarely come to this section because I do not consider myself crafty...at all!! lol

    But, my sister called me today and said that she needs to find some plain glass coasters that can be painted on - for the guests to paint at a wedding shower. I told her I didn't, but I knew right where to go to ask! :grin2:

    Can anyone tell me if there is somewhere these can be bought? The shower is the 21st of June, so ordering online may not be possible.

    Thanks so much!


    PS - I was just glad she wasn't calling asking for 50 candles...lol...which is the only thing I do at this point!

  16. We bought our storage buckets from Walmart to keep our extras in, but we use the kraft cardboard votive boxes from Bittercreek to store and take to shows.

    I haven't noticed the scent being sucked out, but there is no way I am taking them in and out between shows....we have around 25 scents - both votives and melts - so that would be 50 boxes. We buy the ones that hold 18 votives and we have our logo and scents labels on each box. We just couldn't figure out a nice way to display the votives and melts in the plastic buckets at shows. Also, because they fit tight in the cardboard boxes, they don't get marked up.

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