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Posts posted by maryta

  1. 59 minutes ago, Candybee said:

    Are you looking for a wildberry mousse fragrance or a berry pancake fragrance?


    CS has a wonderful wildberry mousse FO. No need to mix anything.


    Thanks, Candybee!  I don't want the pancake in there. I have been reading here that "Wildberry Mousse" was the same as "Country Berry Pancakes/Hotcakes" but apparently that is not necessarily true. So, I really want "Wildberry Mousse". I wanted to try the Candlescience since it got great reviews here but it's been discontinued  :( . Nothing else popped out at me as a great one when I searched. Only the Candlescience one, pretty much!

  2. I love Wildberry Mousse tarts from other vendors so want to make some for myself. I tried Country Berry Hotcakes (Peak) and did not like it much in my wax.... then I combined it with Zucchini Bread (Wildberry ZB is one of my favorites) and actually hated it. I think it has too much pancake and syrup for what I'm looking for. Any advice for a good one that has no syrup that would be a good blender?  I looked on Fragrance Oil Finder and the descriptions seem to vary quite a bit...some do not mention syrup or pancakes even when the names are the same. TIA!

  3. I got some samples, too. All of the ones with cinnamon, I don't like oob (and I got a lot). They smell a little off to me. The ones that I thought I'd hate, I love oob (Hazelnut Coffee, Caramelized Pralines, and Amaretto Nog). I bought them because of customer requests for these kinds of scents. I usually hate caramel and nut scents but I am changing my mind, I guess.

    • Like 1
  4. Thank you everyone, for such thoughtful replies! 


    candybee, I do love me some Pink sugar...I try to blend it almost everything! :) . I will get some vanilla sugar and look for vanilla lace, too.


    I've got a lovely Vanilla Milk from Mad Oils...it is light...definitely more milk than cream for me. So, has a dairy note which is good for some things, for sure.


    OldGlory, thanks for sharing your technique. It sounds more practical than the way I've been doing things so I will have to try it! Adding sweet fruits instead of a vanilla or sugar is a great idea for a lot of my ideas (especially since I tend to blend non-bakery for soap, in particular).


    puma52, thanks for the recommendation! I will try the BW Vanilla Sugar. And the Sugar Maple. I'm glad you said you don't smell the other scents in the description of Vanilla Sugar because I would never have ordered it based on the description. I do have some BW oils but not that one and I actually poured my first set of them as melts yesterday and they did smell great (mostly bakery). I will have to wait to test 'cuz I'm going out of town tonight - I'm excited to try them, though!  Hopefully, some of these will make it on the order with the Vanilla Sugar and the Maple Sugar.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi - I am getting more into custom blends and need a sweetener for some things. Any suggestions? I haven't seen a plain sugar fragrance oil, only brown sugars and Burnt Sugar (BB). Does anyone use a plain-ish vanilla sugar, even for citrus fragrances? Its mostly citrus that I like to play around with. Honey won't work for some things. Or am I missing a basic "sugar" oil?

  6. I tried Flaming's Kentucky Bourbon in wax...was a dud. Throw was good (as all of Flaming's are for me) but the scent was dull. A lot like those coconut fos that smell a little stale. Really disappointing since it is so different and great oob. I ordered the Whiskey from CS (not tried yet) and now wish I had also ordered the Apple & Maple Bourbon, too!

  7. Well, I haven't placed my FB order yet...I can't access my account with all my wish list stuff so I've tried for the last four days to get my password reset. I've tried contacting the company through their password request form, website contact form, direct email, and messaging on their facebook page. I've not gotten any reply. So, I am wondering if the company is doing okay... has anyone been in contact with them this week?

  8. Thanks, Moonshine! That helps. I'll add the sugar cookie. The only one I've got is Sugar Cookie from Tennesee Candle and it is curing right now so I'm waiting  a bit to melt it. And I only have half of a one oz sample left. Smells ok cold. I think I used too high a %.  I've had good and bad Sultana dupes so am going to try that one, too.


    I was in a new Lush store a month ago and liked Lord of Misrule...wanting to try that in soap!


    okay, my final FB questions before I order...I am just starting into food/bakery scents for wax so am struggling with some of them (my history is more with florals, lavenders, and fresh in soap):


    1. Has anyone tried their Toasted Marshmallow? I have used RE but it is not strong at all in my wax (parasoy).

    2. Sweet Berrylicious sounds great but it has phthalates which I want to avoid going forward. Is this type available from another supplier? I have Peak Berrylicious but it has a chemical smell for me.


    fwiw, here is my list (I may now wait for a sale or add to it to get free shipping...any of these to avoid?

    1. Autumn Night
    2. Bergamot Tobacco
    3. Black Pearl FB Type              
    4. Death and Decay FB
    5. Gypsy Rose
    6. Imogen Rose FB Type
    7. Lavender Sage
    8. Lord of Misrule FB Type       
    9. Lust FB Type
    10. Pink Sands Type
    11. Pumpkin Pecan Waffles Type
    12. Pumpkin Sugared Doughnut Type
    13. Serendipity Type  
    14. Supernova FB Type
    15. Toasted Marshmallow
    16. Wild Mountain Honey  (will be trying honeys from every vendor from now on!)


    Daystar has been great in my wax for bakery so far. Peak, not so much.


    Thanks for any advice!

  10. 14 hours ago, Candybee said:

    Have you ever tried Element's Manuka Lavender Body Wrap FO? It's a wild honey scented with lavender local to New Zealand. Its a beautiful floral lavender. Very spa like and upscale. Great in soap and candles.



    Thanks for the recommendation, Candybee! I am big on lavenders and that sounds divine! Their Honey Patchouli and Honey L'Occitane is already on my wish list.

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  11. On 1/28/2016 at 8:29 AM, coffeebean said:

    I know this thread is from months ago, but I finally did some testing with FB oils

    I poured Pumpkin Pecan Waffles from FB and some from TCS. I handed some out to family and I burnt some here at home. All reports came back FB was the stronger thrower all the way down. Just thought I'd share my findings.

    I am about to place some new orders...is the TCS that you tested Tennessee Candle Supply or The Candle Source? TIA!

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