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Everything posted by dacq

  1. I've found the answer. I put a wick in a sustainer in a non-plastic container. I then added the oil. 10 ml lasted 160 minutes. I've since found that you are better off making non-toxic natural candles using cheap healthy rapeseed—canola—oil: http://www.rapeseedoilbenefits.com/guide-to-rapeseed-oil/rapeseed-oil-health-benefits.aspx
  2. I have a small plastic container with a round base, filled with water & olive oil. It has a lid, which I put a hole in. I soaked a wick (18/50 2mm thick) with the mixture & threaded it through the hole, leaving 2cm above the lid. I lit it but it burnt all the way down to the lid and expired. I've seen YouTube videos of such things working. What's wrong?
  3. I saw a YouTube video of a small device that when clicked induces a flame if directed at a candle wick. What is this called?
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