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Everything posted by waxnwic

  1. I wish to sincerely thank several of our customers that have forwarded this thread and those that commented about out company. The Candlewic Company has been providing a complete line of Candle Making supplies for over 30 years and over those years tries to ensure each and every customer has a positive purchasing experience. In reading this thread it is apparent that some customers have had a bad experience with out company. As an owner we do not like to hear those comments and in these instances I am not sure what may have happened. The one thing I have always asked is for the opportunity to review the situation. For those that have dealt with us long enough will know that we try to rectify situations and if the issue is brought to my attention you can be assured it will receive a response. Unfortunately, there may be instances where we didn’t have control, shipping company lost the package, our supplier send the wrong material, internal damage during shipping but in those instances we try to ensure we can do everything possible to ensure we remedy the problem. Another point appears to be the quality of our fragrances. I can assure we go to great lengths to ensure we offer only the high quality fragrances available. At the beginning of this post I identified that we have been doing this for over 30 years and in some instances the fragrance formulation we use has been the same. Many of our long term customers love these formulations making it difficult to just change the formulation. The “Fragrance” market has changed over the years and we have changed along with the market. The newer scents are a different “complexion” with more notes then some of the earlier fragrances. Is a Cinnamon fragrance “developed” today different then a number of years ago different? Absolutely, it does not make the one developed years ago inferior it just might not be as “complex”. For example our Pumpkin scent (S-47) is a standard pumpkin smell, it would not be fair to compare this scent to our Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin (US-116). Again not that one is inferior it is just what you are looking for from the fragrance. Fragrances are always difficult to select in that what one customer may like another may not like the same fragrance. With any fragrance it is always best to try in smaller quantities and in a candle. Fragrances directly in a bottle will not always create the same fragrance throw that it will in a burning candle. Over the years we have always tried to be more then just another company selling candle making supplies. We have always offered resources such as our monthly Enlightner, Chandler section of our website, samples of our waxes/wicks where possible and our Technical experience to assist all of customers. It is difficult in a thread to address what each of the concerns issues may have been with our company but I can assure you that if you contact me at billbinder@candlewic.com that we will respond. Bill Binder, President
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