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Posts posted by donna4909

  1. Does anyone know if the Cucumber Melon is like that. Mine smells STRONGLY floral OOB, but perhaps it changes in wax?

    I thought it might have been a mixup, but maybe it's one of those morphers. I pm'd greenleaf, but didn't get a reply. I know they were busy with all the samples, and I didn't want to keep bugging them over a 1 oz. bottle of free FO.

    Hmm, better go get this baby in some wax!

  2. At least she said that her Dove bar didn't.

    Well, that's kinda different, I think. IMO, Dove isn't like any other soap. There's just something different about it. There's also a huge difference in the way it leaves my skin feeling. My skin never feels tight, dry, or squeaky when I use Dove, and that's why I love it. I swear it's more "mild" than my homemade soap, or any other soap I've ever tried for that matter... Perhaps the mildness of Dove doesn't kill bubbles?

    Sure do wish I could duplicate it. :(

  3. Is there any soy or soy/natural blend that will have smooth tops after burning? I've only tried GB 444 & 449 so far, and they both set up lumpy after test burns.

    I don't mind to do an initial repour, but I can't stand these cauliflower tops and sinkholes after burning. People in my area will not want to buy them if they look bad after you burn them.

  4. This is just my person experience speaking, but that's too much olive for me. I use olive at 0-20% at the most. Otherwise, the lather & soap is slime city.

    Lately, I've quit using olive all together. However, I use different oils than you do, so maybe it's just olive combined with lard or something that makes it slimey.

  5. She offered to refund the $11.55 for the funky looking bettas, but got somewhat snippy about it. I would have to ship them back, and that would cost $6 or $7 at least, so I might as well just keep them. It's not worth $5.

    She keeps saying there are only very minor variations in the bettas, and that it's just the minor differences you get with handmade glass. I don't care what she says, this isn't a minor variation. Even the fin colors are different. (Notice the red fins on the blue and green bettas & and the blue fins on the red betta?) These are obviously two different types of embeds.

    I asked if I could just exchange the funky ones for the ones that look nice, and she said:

    If you'll send them back to me, I'll issue a credit to your charge card. I have nothing else to send you. You may want to try http://www.silkytyme.com They may be better able to satisfy your needs since I am unable to do so.

    I just want what was pictured on the site, and what I ordered. Looks like I'm not going to get either. *sigh*

  6. I don't know if they're going to do anything about this or not. I told them the bettas were not like the ones pictured on the site, and the owner said she didn't understand what I meant, so I had to e-mail her the picture.

    I wouldn't be so mad if I didn't have so much money tied up in this. I spent $100 in supplies to make these betta candles, and I don't even know if my buyers will want them now with the funky looking bettas in them.

  7. Have you tried calling? That's what I did.

    Edit: Aww crap. Just finished going through my order. They sent me some funky bettas. The pack I opened last night was normal (like the ones on the left), but the other 12 bettas are hideous & tacky looking. Example:


    Those bettas were the whole reason I ordered from them. They're the only place that has the nice looking bettas, and I expected them to be as pictured on the site. But they only gave me 4 of the good ones. The rest are the cheap looking ones I could have gotten from any other embed site.

    Damnit. This is really getting on my nerves. :angry2: Now I have to call em again...

  8. Ok, so I'm a little angry right now. I placed a $30 order for some embeds from Rustic Essentials. I ordered 16 bettas, 4 goldfish, 15 mini fish, and 20 plants, and some other things. Somehow in the warehouse, my order got mixed up, and I received miniature whales instead of the 4 goldfish.

    So I called right away to notify them, and they said they'd fix the problem and get them right out. The lady on the phone apologized several times, and admitted it was her fault.

    Then they just now called back to say they credited my card for the $3.85 instead, so they cannot send replacement goldfish. I told the lady on the phone that I didn't want a refund, that I wanted a goldfish, and these were special ordered for a friend of mine. Oh well, too bad I guess... This is the "store policy".

    So now, in order to get the goldfish, I have to place another order and pay nearly $10 shipping for 4 little fish, just because of their screw up! I am not a happy camper right now... I do not want a $4 refund if it's going to cost me $14 to buy the fish again. They could have at least offered me a free shipping coupon or something. :mad:

  9. I've looked through all the gel suppliers I have bookmarked, and I can't find a single snail embed. Does anyone know of a site I perhaps looked over?

    I found some glass and ceramic snails on eBay, but I want a reliable supplier. Any type of embed will work (except wax), since these are double glassed candles.

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