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Posts posted by TxSioux

  1. Let us know when you solve this riddle! <grin> Soy is a fickle beast & a once perfect soy candle is always subject to changing weather conditions over time. Wait till you've had them around even longer. Soy will 'grow' (or swell) over time. Those once perfectly cut wicks will get covered w/ wax & you'll be lucky to light them. I gave up & went w/ a parasoy blend.


  2. According to what some of you pour at, I hope it comes out right because I poured about 125 and I see it should have been much higer (165) for my 8 oz. JJ's.

    Did you mean to say heat to 165? That's a pretty high pouring temp for pure soy, at least according to mf suggestions. I used EZ Soy for 6 yrs & always heated it to about 185 & added fo at that temp. Stir for a minimum of 3 mins & stir several times as the temp lowers. Poured at around 100. Personally, I can't see how mixing 2 soys would greatly alter your results & I'd be more willing to switch waxes or go w/ additives. No harm in trying, though! Everyone gets different results & you won't throw the world on its axis if you give it a whirl.


  3. Hmmm, guess that explains why I haven't seen any on the shelf in several wks. Fortunately, I have a couple hundred on hand, since I've made it a habit to buy whatever they have in the store when I drop in. If you get REALLY desperate, they have them at Wal-Mart, but they're usually $1.99 there. I think GL also carries them, but I know glass can be a killer on shipping. I think I'd try the 'squeaky wheel' approach & keep calling DT to press for a 'real' answer on a delivery date! I hope you get your order soon.


  4. Also, Tiz -- you're not limited to the items they show online, you can order any item in quantity that is sold in any Dollar Tree. If an item is shown online, you can just order it & pick it up. If you want an item that isn't shown online, you need to get a form from your local DT & call the order in. You will need the UPC & SKU numbers, but if you're looking for the Libbey cubes I have plenty & can give you those numbers.


  5. OK, I've had an odd request that left my jaw a bit dropped, so the faint of heart may want to skip this one. Apparently odd names are the norm for incense scents at 'head shops' & someone brought me a package of incense labeled: Pussy. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. Save on Scents actually carries it http://www.saveonscents.com/product_info.php/products_id/1030 , but I just couldn't bring myself to going there.


  6. I wasn't impressed enough w/ the aroma beads to go w/ the cost. Like everyone that already mentioned it, corn cob is WAY more cost effective & I can pick up local. I think they work equally well if used as a drawer sachet, which is how I market them. I have some people that like to use them in their car or a small room. They're obviously too small to live up to that job long, so I include a note on my label that indicates the intended use is for a drawer & any other use will shorten the expected results. I once bought a very expensive blend from a specialty boutique in Ruidoso that you scoop & pay by the lb. I didn't make candles at the time, but I now know they used a combo of aroma beads, corn cob & small dried flowers. I put it in my closet & it lasted over a year. I think it really depends on the fo you use & only make mine w/ the super throwers.


  7. Do you mean Goldleaves? I can't find a TCC Greenleaves. If so, here's their scent description: Jasmine, hyacinth & exotic lily of the valley meld with a background of moss & musk to create an elaborate feast for the senses. That might help you find something close.


  8. Yall might try calling Starrville. They sell the same High Maintenance that Tyler Candle uses, so they might have a line on other TCC scents. I hate that they don't have scent descriptions on their site, but they're very helpful when you call. They have wonderful fo's, but they seem determined to keep it a secret!


  9. I've made candles for 6 yrs & can tell you the testing never ends! I think it's wonderful to try different waxes that interest you, but I'd suggest you stick w/ what you already have going & work out all the kinks. It can be a bit overwhelming to try too many things at once. Get comfortable w/ your current wax & branch out from there. I think you're doing a great job getting to know the craft & making sure you have a quality product to be proud of.

    Your co-worker sounds like a real joy. If she never did any testing, I'd be willing to bet she also has no need for insurance. I'd have a lot of fun asking her all kinds of bizarre questions every time she starts in w/ her pressure. Sounds like she's losing a lot of sleep worrying about what you're up to!! Is she asking you where you get your supplies?


  10. I just got the 7505 on Mon & have my 1st burns going right now. I'm within driving distance of GL, but I just couldn't bear to pay the price of the 70/30 (& it keeps rising). This is a 30/70 blend, but so far the only difference I'm seeing between the 2 is: the 7505 sets up w/ a shiny paraffin finish & I'm able to wick down. Other than that, everything else is working the same as the 70/30. I have a lot of pouring to do to test out the containers I use, but it looks like an excellent replacement. Also, I was able to use this wax for votives.


  11. I definitely agree w/ following a theme. It's a unique idea, but don't see why it couldn't work. People w/ pools generally have expendable income ... except me! LOL If it were me, I'd go for some terra cotta 'bug' candles. I add lemongrass & lavender to mine to take off the edge of the citronella. I buy the cloth wicks (for refilling oil burning torches) & wrap them w/ my largest size wick, that makes them burn/stay lit & smoke really well for the outside candles. I have a huge backyard & even my neighbors say it smells great.

    Good luck -- Susan.

  12. I think you'll do very well w/ these. It's totally the kind of item I'd go for at a craft show. I'm wondering if you added Borax to the mix if it would help clean the sink & eliminate the residue? Borax mixes well w/ baking soda & fo to make great carpet freshener (that also kills fleas). I think you should throw together another package & really give your doubting husband something to groan about ... No More Stinky Carpet (or fleas!).

    Good luck & good job -- Susan.

  13. Nothing better than a random (& heartfelt) endorsement -- that's very cool. Your candles look great. I love your company name. The labels are really nice & fun. That's a nice pic of the candle burning. Do you use pure soy? Just asking cause there's no wet spots or frosting -- you have a great product!

    Congrats -- Susan.

  14. My neighbor asked if I could make a candle that smells like an outdoor bbq. I've searched & can't find anything close, so checking to see if anyone has seen something. She wants the smell of food (meat, I guess) cooking over smoky wood. I've seen weirder requests, but this is kinda out there for me.


  15. Very creative -- you did a great job! Why did you choose to package them L shape? Just seems like it's harder for you & would be more limiting for display. My 1st thought would be to place the boxes side by side w/ labels facing in opposing directions -- so no matter how it was put on the shelf one label would be readable. It's great packaging, I think they'll sell very well for you! Best of luck!


  16. Unrefined is beeswax in its purest form, including all the natural debris (that will likely clog a wick). It will vary in color & scent depending on the source. Refined has been filtered. Yellow is natural coloring & white has been bleached. I've used yellow & white, but didn't notice any difference.

    What do you hope to achieve by using beeswax as an additive? I used it to make a harder soy candle, but have ditched it since using a soy/paraffin blend. I've heard from some suppliers, who have tested beeswax in their blends, that it will bind the fo & give you less throw -- doesn't seem to be recommended for the blends. It's a great additive, but you really need to know what you want to achieve & test for results.


  17. Carrie -- I did a quick google & came up w/ quite a few companies in your area that would probably do this for you. I wasn't sure if you're closer to Austin or San Antonio, so I didn't put too much time into this. Search for etched glass & there are lots of companies & artists that do custom work, so I bet you can find someone to do your containers for a reasonable fee. They have the blasting booths & it sure seems like running the containers would be a lot easier than design work. You might also ask Fillmore if they will do it, since they actually carry the mason jars. I found several in Waco that would do it for me, so I know you have more options between Austin & SA than I do. Good luck -- HTH.


  18. That sounds like a good price to me, especially since most suppliers are dropping the frosted glass. I contacted a local glass company & a local artist that makes stained glass, but never followed through to get an actual price. Have you asked your supplier if they offer frosting? Fairway will frost any product they sell & they have a Dallas division, but you have to call for pricing.


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