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Everything posted by Divnhog

  1. I saw some Harley Davidson candles in Daytona last month at the new Harley Davidson dealership. Neat. I wonder who makes them for Harley.
  2. If you figure out how to easily get the last pound or two of wax out of the bag without using a heat gun to melt it out let me know. I had good luck with this wax but got tired of using a heat gun and a heated spoon to transfer the wax from the box/bag to the presto pot.... Divnhog
  3. Thanks Butterfly.......I think I found something in the archives that will help. Brad
  4. I've been trying to wick a 10 oz. apothecary using CB and patchouli. I have used everything from a 44-24-18z to my anchor rope. I have used singles and doubles to no avail...Here's the rub. They burn North and South but never reach East and West. Also, the melt pool is always over an inch deep no matter what wick I use...Is this normal for CB. I read somewhere that the depth should be 1/4-1/2" deep...... TIA, Brad
  5. Peak has discontinued all IGI and Astrolite wax....They are going to replace them with their own formulations.
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