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    Just retired from 30 yrs with a very large soft drink company...

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  1. Chefmom, I made a few this past weekend trying your recipe. So far I'm getting a really good burn. Can't tell the throw but folks are coming by later we'll see. On another note I was going to send you a PM but I'm not allowed in fact I find I'm not allowed to do or go any where on this site most of the time. Maybe its because I'm new to the site..... Tim
  2. Thank you all, and in the time I've been away from the forum, about 24 hours, I had time to look it over and think it over. the rust is all over the bottom inside does not seem to be real deep into the metal however. The mold could hold 4-5 lbs of wax EZ it's a big round 3 wick mold, soooo, spin the wheel, if anyone would like this mold you pay for postage and I'll mail it to you if not... this thing's going into the recycling bin ya'll Thanks again Tim
  3. Hi there all. I'm a newbie, I found a bunch of candle molds on Ebay which I won and received yesterday. I started cleaning them, (in the oven is what I've read), Trying to finish them today. I have one mold that at first I thought it was just brownish wax. well its rust on the bottom inside of the mold, should I ignore it and use it? Or guess I could sand it with my dremel. Anyone have any thoughts? Thank you for your time Tim
  4. It would seem, from the few reply's, that most everyone has been in those old shoes of mine those many years ago. Chefmom thank you for the recipe : ) I'm going to make some right now. I never would have guessed that much strearic, awesome. I think I've got the right wicks.
  5. HEE hee, sounds like we all understand crayon flavor candles.. Very cool and thank you. I'll figure it out in time but hoping for a recipe to start with... like should I add crisco or not?? ; ) oh and yes i'm checking out other places buy from...
  6. yeah, I'm pretty new to this board and I was thinking it was me and PC
  7. Hi all! Maybe 40 years ago, (or more), I melted a box of Gulf paraffin, threw in a couple of crayons, no FO. Dug a hole in a coffee can, filled with sand, stuck a piece of string in the sand & tied the other end to a pencil , poured the wax/crayon mixture in, let it harden,then we would all set around and groove....:embarasse My daughter and I, (she started this with me), have about 10 .lbs of, you guessed it Gulf paraffin wax. As I've been reading as much as I can find on paraffin every article seems to tell me nothing about paraffin and ends up telling me where to buy wax:undecided. So, we need to get rid of the wax, we want to make pillar candles, (she bought a couple steel molds), wicks Which I'm sure she got right ones for the size of molds she purchased. We have Vybar 103 and stearic acid. We have FO and dye. What is the best recipe for the wax with what we have, for now, and other than running out for 11 .lbs slab of wax from hobby lobby what can we make for now:confused: Thank you for your time! Tim P.S. Sorry I posted this in the wrong area of the forum I can't seem to move it or delete it
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