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  1. Why does the wick mushroom? It doesn't burn too hot or create soot, but it has two little clumps at the tip? Thanks!
  2. Sorry this is long! Well, I'm new to this site and candle making! I never knew there was so much that went into making candles! Anyway, I made my first candle and I am surprised to report that it went extremely well. I first thought it would be no big deal, but then after reading all these different posts, I thought it would be a disaster! But instead, it poured great, needed more dye chips but still pretty, and the top was totally smooth. CT was strong. I read that it's better to wait for soy candles, but also read that if the HT wasn't strong enough after the first burn, that you can put it away and wait. I did my first burn about 30 hours after poured. Did a burn until a full melt pool and it was perfect....except not a strong HT, so on the shelf it goes! I was ready for so much to go wrong after reading all the problems, but I am so happy! Thanks for all the great advice and I am excited to keep pouring!
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