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Everything posted by Jelybe

  1. Thanks, Beth! I've thought about this and am actually going to go in a different direction. I am going to make votives for the goodie bags so that I can use the wax I already know and am familiar with. But if anyone finds this thread in a search and needs some guidance on wicking, I came across this great wick guide as a jumping off point: http://www.candlescience.com/learning/wick-guide.php HTH someone. Happy candle making! Jen
  2. Hello all! I make rustic pillars for myself and friends/family as a hobby, but have been asked to make travel candles for the goody bags of a friend's upcoming party. I would like to use the Ecosoya CB Advanced wax in the 4oz jelly jars (2-5/8" diameter). I do not plan on coloring the wax, but will be scenting at 1oz per pound of soy wax. All of my supplies will be from Peak. I know for soy I need to wick up, and I will be testing these candles before providing them for the party - but I do not want to "reinvent the wheel" so to speak. So for anyone who is familiar with using the Ecosoya Advanced in 4oz jelly jars - would you mind sharing which wick works for you? I was considering starting my tests with the C65 and C70. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance! jennifer
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