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Dawn Blakey

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Posts posted by Dawn Blakey

  1. Hi,

    Try the 5/0 square for BW tealights - if you happen to have some RRDs try a 29. Myself, I would also use metal tealight cups for BW.

    Forget about using it for containers IMO.


    Thank you , I will take your advice and not do container beeswax candles. I would like to do the polycarbonate tealight cups though rather than the tin ones. Do you really strongly advise against this? I thought that the Poly tealight cups were specially designed to take a high heat scource.

  2. Hello, Could anyone please give me advice on using Essential Oils in container and pillar natural waxes? What amounts do I need to start my tests with and which of the EO's are best avoided. When I get round to doing my testing I will obtain the relevent MSDS's for info on flash points etc. but in the meantime I would really appreciate some start-up advice.

    Youv'e probably guessed that I am looking to create a range of natural style candles.

    Also has anyone had any success with using natural dyes such as Alkanet and Annatto seeds???

    Thank you


  3. Wonderful display!!! Love all of your soap, great colors and cut.

    Thank you Carrie, I cut all my bars by hand with a simple wooden device that has a cheese wire across. My DH them and they work a treat. I only use natural colours and fragrances in my soaps, the ones curing on the shelves were Lavender and coloured with Alkanet root.


  4. Those are wonderful! Absolutely great presentation...where did you find those wooden baskets! I want them!

    Thank you for your kind comments.. I purchased the baskets in Blackpool, UK. I was with my DH who was attending a Magician's conference and we went shopping during the lunch break. The shop was having a massive sale and I purchased all three for less than £10. They were also full of bath goodies so that was a real bargain......


  5. Very nice and primitive looking. I like your displays... I do the same thing with metal wash tubs. There is nothing like a naked bar of soap! :D

    Thank you, I design and print all my own labelling and don't usually sell my Soaps naked (I usually wear clothes!! :laugh2:) I am a big fan of the Country Style. I bet the metal wash tubs look really authentic... Have you got any pics?


  6. Hello,

    I make and sell Soap and Candles for a living and I call myself a Chandler. The dictionary explanation is:- A maker or seller of Tallow or Wax candles and Soap. Also one that trades in other provisions eg. Corn Chandler, Yacht Chandler ect.. Having said that, there are many different Dictionary variations.

    Dawn UK

  7. Not really, but i'll tell ya anyway ;)

    I'll be doing 50/50 computer work and candle pouring/testing. The PC work will allow me to test PC parts to sell on eBay so I can afford to buy more candle making supplies! Right now my computer room looks like someone stirred it with a stick :tongue2: and mrs geek wants it cleaned up so company won't think I'm a total slob! (only a partial one) :grin2:

    I am so stoked over my jars and colors! This will be the Year of the Geek!

    your geek

    He He He!!! That's really funny, you sound just like my husband, he has a computer room like that.


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