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Posts posted by lindsaycb

  1. Right now, I'm trying to figure out if cupcake containers are going to work. I have the big ones for the large bombs. But it seems there's a couple sizes on the mini - er size that may work. Some are definetly TOO mini. So we'll see.

  2. I'm looking at small glitter from FNWL...but it still looks huge to me. Do people really like glitter like that?

    Or is it really mica that they're fond off?

    I have all this mica from Shutters last coop and don't have a clue what to do with it. LOL. If I put it in a bomb, will it leave a mica ring? Or just give me a nice little sheen?

  3. You know, I guess I would think that completely generic labeling would require a X amount of a purchase. That's just a thought, but there's no guarantee that they'll come back and buy $500 more worth or blah blah...so you should get some credit for the people that are purchasing your candle. So they can come back to you if this store stops carrying it.

    That's just my thought.

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