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Posts posted by Crafty1

  1. i changed the recipe to 4 oz castor oil, 3.5 oz of calendula oil and .5 oz of borage oil. used it for the first time this morning and pressed a hot cloth against it, and rinsed off.

    how did you skin feel afterwards?

  2. I too love the oil cleansing method - there are long posts about it on the SoapDish where a bunch of us are trying it out.


    Castor oil is great at cleansing - add a bit of lavender and/or tea tree EO and I would think that would be wonderful. Right now my testing is on 50% castor + a mix of other oils I've got around. Wonderful stuff!

    do Robin, i take it this oil combo is designed to remove dirt and grim that gets deep down in the skin? does this take the place of cleaning with a mild soap?

  3. i have acne and rosacea and i use my own products that i learned in a class i took.I use a botanical face scrub, and a clay mask, and follow with a deep cream. it really seems to work.

    is a scrub and mask in essence the same thing?

  4. I know I've said this before here, but I swear by the Oil Cleansing Method for problem skin. Adding a dose of tea tree to the oil keeps those nasty suckers at bay. I'm not trying to pimp out my products, but you can read about the method at my site: www.purehenry.com/ocm.htm

    for some reason the link is not working for me

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