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Peak Frasier Fur


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I am seriously doing a happy dance!!:bliss: In what appeared to be a never ending search for a perfect xmas tree scent (to my nose) I was searching here last week and found good comments about this scent and since I had to order anyway thought WTH. Well, all I can say is THANK YOU to everyone who praised it!! This stuff is IT!! We are getting too old to handle the fresh trees anymore and last year broke down and got a fake one, and I hated not having that smell... this year it will seem like xmas again. :yay:

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I am seriously doing a happy dance!!:bliss: In what appeared to be a never ending search for a perfect xmas tree scent (to my nose) I was searching here last week and found good comments about this scent and since I had to order anyway thought WTH. Well, all I can say is THANK YOU to everyone who praised it!! This stuff is IT!! We are getting too old to handle the fresh trees anymore and last year broke down and got a fake one, and I hated not having that smell... this year it will seem like xmas again. :yay:

Oh goodie. Thank you for posting. Have been looking for a request from neighbor. Received some Pinion today and while we should never judge OOB, I have a feeling this is not going to work out and was beginning to panic.

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Yes, I Have been looking for a replacement for HF rocky mountain pine, and out of all the tree scents I tried, frasier fir from Peaks was the closest. It still wasn't exactly the rocky mounain pine I love, but it is darn good!! Still looking to to have the RMP duped, while i have some left though!!

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