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Tart warmer shape-does it matter?


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I have one of those 25 watt Better Homes & Gardens tart/melt warmers from Wal-Mart. It is square and I've noticed that the melt pool liquid area isn't all they way to the edges with one tart cube. It's soft/mooshey on the edges but silll a semi solid. Is this due to the 25 watt strength of the burner, it's shape or the bulb being too far away from the plate (as in scentsy style burners) (which this is in that style)? Or is this normal?

It's happened with Wal-Mart/Scentsationals wax & to a much lesser extent with my 50/50 mix of 4630 & 4625 (thanks for the recs on this mix!).

I've read that the ceramic dish type dual warmers are reccomended as stronger than the 25 watt scentsy style. Maybe I should just get one of those and skip my Better Homes & Gardens burner?

Thoughts between the two?

It takes about 45 min for 1 tart sqaure to melt to liquid with this burner-is that normal?

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I've always had melting problems with the square bowls. They never seem to completely melt for me. The bulb is round - and the plate is square - not the best design to begin with, IMO. I think any round warmer is better than a square.

When I sell my melts I usually ask what type of melter they have - and if they say square I caution them that the corners will not completely melt with the wax I use.


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I agree with Judy.

I had a Scentsy warmer with a square bowl and a LOT of maker's wax did not melt in the corners. Now, I have 2 plate warmers (CandleWarmers brand) that have sort of rounded square dishes but they melt complete. I think Judy is correct about the bulb style. The plate warmer style applies heat more evenly to the dish.

I like having a mix of these two styles of warmers.

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Thanks! That's what I thought that the bulb and heat area obviously are round and the dish in the warmer is square. The throw isn't bad but would likely be better if it all melted.

I wish I had found you all before I bought the melter. I never would have dreamed that square could have been so different. Frankly, they ought not even sell/make square ones if they do this.

EDIT: Quick question on the candlewarmers melters-the plate/dish style...

Is it true that they melt with better throw but that the tarts don't last as long? Is there that big of a difference in how tarts throw and last with them compared to the scentsy style warmers?

Edited by miagracie
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Just my opinion/in my experience: Hot = fast melting and intense throw that doesn't last too awfully long. Slower melt is a more even throw that lasts a little longer. I test in 25 & 35 watt melters and both are the plate w/bowl. (Sometimes the throw from the 35watter can run me out of the house.)

Edited by Judy, USMC
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Judy, would you say the plate/bowl dual warmer styles were the hot/fast melting or slower melting ones?

I noticed today that on the second melt of the cube, it seemed as if the corners were better than yesterday on the first melt but still not completely melted. It's not too bad, but noticeable.

Should I get another warmer? I'm getting pretty good throw with this one but wonder if I could do better?

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If you are satisfied with the throw then stick with what you have. I'm terrible at predicting what would be best for you. If the wattage is higher you may get a better throw, but then may not be satisfied with the length of time the aroma will last. Sorry, can't be of more help.

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