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Hey, you sound like me!! I was buying those as well.

A crafty friend encouraged me to try making my own. I am not crafty and am known for being clumsy so I was certain that this could be tragic.

Instead, I am having fun, have learned a ton by researching and reading here and everyone has been SUPER kind and patient with the questions that I have asked.

Do you know if you want to use soy, parasoy or paraffin?

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Sounds like we are in the same boat.

I'm not real crafty either and consider myself clumsy. Needed to find a good hobby and have made one batch of CP soap. We burn a lot of scentsy bars and I thought I could benefit more by doing my own.

I've read that soy throws a good scent but a friend said she thought paraffin was better.

Open to any advice.

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I started with this tutorial and bought the KY133 wax as shown. It is a granulated wax as fine as sand or sugar. I mainly make brittle.


I also have some Wilton brownie bite molds. I got them with Joann/Hobby Lobby/Michael's with 40% or 50% off one item coupons. Michael's has 50% off bakeware tomorrow and Saturday. I plan to get some more tomorrow.

With the help of posters here I am currently testing IGI 4794 and a blend of IGI 4625 and 4630. I just poured my first tests last night and tonight. So, I will melt this weekend and see what I think.

The melts I like the most seemed to be paraffin so I have started there.

I do not have a wax business and have no plans to sell. I am just making wax for myself and plenty to share with others who I discover (or can talk into) like to melt.

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Thanks for all the great information. I must go Michael's. I've thought of using the silicone bakware to make sugar scrubs.

I think I might start out with the paraffin. But please let me know how your two tests turn out.

I'm not planning on selling either. However, if I get too carried away I can create baskets to be auctioned off his club meetings.

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If you get wax at Michael's, it's a straight paraffin. You'll need additives for the fragrance oil to bind with the wax. Stearic Acid is used to harden the wax and you'd use about 1/2 - 1 tablespoon per pound of wax (by weight, not volume). Vybar helps bind the FO to the wax as well as enhancing the scent's hot throw. You'll need to use about 1/2 teaspoon per pound of wax.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate scentsy! When the scent fades, which isn't a long time till that happens, it smells like burnt plastic to me. I tried a candle company local to me and they used soy and my melts lasted forever.

So I use soy only! For fragrance oils I use Candlescience, but going to try Peaks soon. I'm so clumsy myself, but this seems to be my niche. Good luck and have fun!

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