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candle making instructions

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Ok, so I was just poking around on a big suppliers website. They have all kinds of candlemaking instructions. I was reading about making palm pillars and NO WHERE did it say anything about how to eliminate voids in the candles. I was surprised by this. I'm assuming that palm wax candles form voids as they cool. Am I wrong?

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Ok, so I was just poking around on a big suppliers website. They have all kinds of candlemaking instructions. I was reading about making palm pillars and NO WHERE did it say anything about how to eliminate voids in the candles. I was surprised by this. I'm assuming that palm wax candles form voids as they cool. Am I wrong?

You are entirely correct. Palm wax forms voids that can be actually dangerous if not eliminated. The hard crust is notorious for leaving voids below causing flame flare ups that can get pretty high. There is a post about this maybe about 3 months old where we talked about various methods of relief in pillars and containers made of palm.

Edited by jeanie353
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