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Does anyone have any idea when Alabaster will get a new supply of oil? Or does anyone know what is going on with them? I found them a couple of months back when I was researching different fragrance companies, and their prices were really good. They have decent reviews, but I check the site regularly, and they STILL do not have a lot of their oils in stock. I called (a while back) and the person on the phone told me that they had an order in and they should be there soon... Not sure if they got them and sold out, but they still don't have the one's that I wanted to sample. :cry2:

Edited by snb7485
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I got the same e-mail. I'm extremely disappointed with them. Alabaster has been my main supplier of wax and glassware for around 10 years, but last July was the last time I was able to get any significant amount from them--and that was like pulling teeth! I drive almost 4 hours each way to get a truckload of wax and jars and when I got there to pick up my order, they were missing half the wax. So they said they would ship it to me at their cost, but it took over a month any many phone calls and e-mails to get it! I would see on their website that they had wax, but by the time I saw it and called, they had sold out and had "forgotten" to send my order! I kept harrassing them until I finally got all I had ordered, but haven't seen it available again on their website since that time.

I don't know what's going on with them and I really miss them, but I've had to go elsewhere for jars and wax and am still searching for replacements for a few of their fragrances.

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I have posted this several times in other threads, but here goes. I wanted to use them since they are so close, they are looking for an investor, thats all they would tell me on the phone. So you can takeit for what its worth, I wish they would restock though....

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Putter, like you I'd love to use them. They're not real close to me, but it's worth taking a day off and driving 3-4 hours each way when I get a truckload of supplies. Last time I did that, the shipping charges for what I ordered were over $400, so it was well worth the drive. I really hope they get the help they need and can revive their business.

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That would be great, but I'm afraid we're not very close since you said Alabaster is close to you. I'm in Cherokee, in the northwestern corner of the state (close to Muscle Shoals/Florence area). Where are you?

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I kind of thought you were probably not in my area. I've only found one person who is, and he has so much business he uses entire pallets of wax and jars and doesn't want to split with me. I can't imagine how he handles that much and still has another full-time job--my little business is about all I can manage and work!

Thanks for the offer, though!

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