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Summer Shipping

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Does anyone do anything different for the really hot months in summer when it comes to shipping? Do you not ship or just send out begining of the week? Has anyone ever had anything melt while in transit? :shocked2: I'm not really sure how I want to handle shipping in the summer heat.

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In the 11 years I've been shipping, in the summer I only ship Mon-Wed(depending on how far away the location is from me), and only ship priority mail for "normal sized" orders. I live in the desert southwest, and since it gets well over 100 degrees, I can't use pick up either because our mailman comes in the morning and is out all day, including locking up the truck midday for lunch. Yes, I've had some things melt...because the customer didn't have anyone pick up the package and it sat all day in the hot sun. (I always send an email to the customer reminding them that these are wax and should not be left in hot, sunny locations all day due to possible melting). Those customers that are on the lookout for their packages and have some common sense, I've never had a problem with their orders. :tiptoe:

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