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Testing! Have a question...

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I'm testing coconut wax I got to sample. I'll post, hopefully with pictures later.

Question: Other than not breaking your glassware, are there any other advantages to heating the glass before pouring?

If it's a really warm day, I'm thinking ahead to summer here, say 90 degrees or warmer, do your really need to heat the glass if you are pouring at a relatively low temperature (125 or cooler)?

What do I have a bag of 1000 wicks in 1 size when it would be so much smarter and more economical to purchase sample packs for testing? :rolleyes2

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CRAP! I was so proud of myself. I actually waited until the wax was 125 degrees before pouring. Only 1 problem, I forgot to add the fragrance. Is it ok that I poured the wax back into the pot, reheated, added fo and am now waiting for it to cool before pouring?

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I don't have pictures yet. I spent the day at the zoo with my boys and taking pictures of candles is one of the last things I want to do right now. But, I do have a little info:

Candle #1: Coconut wax (it's a blend on coconut, soy and bee but I'm referring to it as coconut) and UV absorb from GenWax. I'm using the UV absorb because I've been told that wax with no color will discolor over time. Made last week, burned yesterday. I used a 10oz glass container (Monticiano) heated to 150 degrees in oven and HTP 105 wick. Poured at 125 degrees.

Results: Upon cooling, wax had sunk, a bit, I'd say about 1/8" to 3/16" around wick. Other than the sinking, top pretty smooth. I'm making a distinction between flat and smooth. Although not flat, I would say it was smooth. KWIM? No frost, no wet spots.

Burning: Burned for 3 hours. Melt pool was 3/8" to 1/2" away from sides. I would use a larger wick next time. When the wax cooled, it was very flat and smooth in the melt pool. I compared it to a soy wax (c-3) and it is much smoother.

Candle #2: Coconut wax, UVabsorb, 1/2 an orchid dye chip. UVabsorb and 9.5% fragrance load. Poured at 125 degrees. Same wick, same glass heated to 150 degrees.

Results: Cured for 1 day, no fragrance throw just after wax set up, however very strong cold throw today. Very smooth top with a bit less sinking. Wet spot! No frosting. I will post more after I burn it, hopefully with pictures.

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