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Is my wax still good?

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Hello everyone :D

Had lots of changes over the summer but the biggest one for me was moving into a little house of my own... woo hoo~!

The downside: It's such a small little house that I had to store my wax (Eco Soya CB Advanced) over the summer in a shed outside, it was shaded but we had several days this summer which got over 100 degrees.

The wax seems ok, but I can tell that it did begin to soften at one point. It's still flakey so I'm hopeful that it's ok... It was stored outside for about 3 months.

Has anyone else had to store wax outside during hot weather and been able to use it and still come out with decent candles?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! It's almost a full 50 lb. box so I am hoping I can still use it :D

Thank you everyone

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Hahahaha! Thanks Dave

I know the melt point of the wax is 111 degrees, so it didn't get THAT hot, maybe close though since it had softened a bit, but retained the flakiness from when it was shipped... The interior of the box is fine, never got close to hot in the middle... just the top and sides got a bit soft, but still retained the flakiness....

We shall see~~~!!!:smiley2:

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This might be a blessing in disguise for you with the CBA. With my experiences with it, it seemed to give better results after a remelt ( im no expert with it...maybe used 30# of it ). You may have affected the wax enough to actually make it worthwhile using :rolleyes2...im just joking:)

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I will agree with you on that...cleanup is so much nicer . My wife and I are now working with feather and starburst for our pillars, and I just ordered some GG to try containers now. I have good hopes for them as it seems to be a nice wax to work with, and with great looking results.

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Oh I LOVE the Glass Glow.... I got some last spring (the stuff I said stored nicely in the heat) and made a few practice candles with it.... the scent throw was incredible compared to the soy wax.... LOVED IT... and it IS beautiful once it cools..

Only thing I am wondering about with the GG though are the relief holes.. Even though you pour the wax and it seems no oxygen bubbles are in it, they seem to form out of nowhere and you still end up with air pockets in the candle as it cools...

Not sure how to fix that one for sure yet... But yes, the cleanup with Palm is not as easy as it is with Soy....

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Are you putting relief holes in, and repouring? From reading past posts, some people do, and others dont. I havent so far, and I am not sure if I need to. On my pillars, I've cut apart some testers, and had very minimal air pockets,most were pocket free. So far my containers have been poured using pure veggie steric acid from Swans...it is sold as container palm, but I have some comming from Peaks in a few days, and cant wait to try some actual glass Glow. I have used both wood and regular wicks, and I havent noticed any kind of flareups that would indicate an air pocket. My jars are the 12oz status and 12oz libby square.

Edited by Dave
spelling and making sure it makes sense..lol
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Well I made some candles last night using my soy wax and all seems fine except for a few teeny weeny sink holes right at the wick on just a few of them. Mostly on the Basil and herb scented ones from CS. The vanilla hazelnut scented candles didn't get any sink holes... hmmm... Although I did pour the VH ones at about 100 degrees and the other ones at 108 or so.... I am going to make some more tonight and see how it goes... At least my wax seems fine... WHEW...

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Glad the wax seems good ! ( I didnt think it would be bad )

Maybe keep all the future pours at around 100 then to match the VH.

Im curious if you're using a cooling rack and/or a box, or just open air method. I could never get good consistant results with the CBA.

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Hey Dave,

I am using NO special cooling method with my soy wax. I just set them on my counter top and leave them alone until they are all firmed up. I'd say 90 percent of the time they turn out fine, but that other 10 percent sometimes develops those dang sink holes, but I just use my heat gun to smooth them out and before you know it you got a candle :D

I'll do a few test burns tomorrow night after they've cooled a couple of days...

Feeling confident though that I can use the rest of this batch:yay:

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You should have good luck with it. I think 90% luck is great :highfive:

Maybe I should have stuck with it more, but I tried the cb-excel, and have better luck with it.

I posted some pics over in the candle gallery.The last one is my container with the stearic acid (sold as container palm ).Not the best lookin stuff, but it works:laugh2:

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What did you find to be better with the CB Excel than the CB Advanced? I am curious... I'm having decent luck with the CB Advanced, but am always looking to try something new...

I remelted a couple of GG Candles I had previously burned but didn't get a clean burn, so I re-poured the wax from those candles into a new container and I'm going to see how it burns tonight... It's almost as pretty as the original candles I made and I didn't even try to cool it properly...I just set it on my counter and let it cool..... lol...

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The CB excel has given me better cold and hot throw, and little to no frosting. I've had to add coconut oil to it in the last month or so to fight frosting at aprox 2 tsp pp. I blame this on the cooler and more humid Seattle weather.

Using the Advanced, no matter what I tried, I always got frosting. I used a cooling box with and without racking, heated jars,co,stearic acid, and plain open air cooling, as well as what seemed like a million different pour temps. I just could not make a nice candle. If for some reason I did make a nice one, within a week it frosted. I thought maybe I had bad wax, so I ordered from 4 different suppliers, and I got the same results from all wax samples.

I did seem to get a decent candle after the wax had been re melted 3 or 4 times :) The frosting was almost nonexistant then. It was way to time consuming to make a candle to keep using it.

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Well I have made quite a few candles now using my CB Advanced that was stored in the hotter climate and I am getting some frosting but depending on what scents I am using. All my supplies I used came from CS and the wicks I got from Peaks. I made some Vanilla Hazelnut candles using yellow dye chips and got NO frosting, perfect adhesion to the container and they burn beautifully. Then I made some Cinnamon Stick candles using one Red and one Cranberry dye chip and got some frosting in only a few containers. They burn beautifully, but oh well.. I don't think I'm gonna worry much about it. I only sell them to a few people and they have loved them all so far.

When you look at Yankee Candles in the stores (my friend owns a pharmacy and they sell them) they have lots of wet spots, frosting and are way less visually appealing than the candles I am making so I can't worry about it too much. Plus I use all different kinds of containers, so I have a lot of variety that way also.

As long as they burn nicely and smell decently, I'll be pretty happy :D

Now I gotta get up the nerve to start making my GG Palm wax candles.. Got a 50lb box sitting out there in the shed... LOL.. I made a few last summer and they came out very pretty, but gotta work on wicking them to get an even clean burn...

Edited by Soylicious
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