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Headache from soy? Natural alternatives?

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Ohhhhh Midrin! The magic red pill!

I've suffered from migraines since CHILDHOOD. Midrin was, and still is, my little miracle. I was first presribed it in 2004 and I have gone from 2 or 3 migraines per WEEK to maybe 1 a month.

Do keep on it though. If she is having continuous migraines (longer than 48 hours) something else is likely going on under the surface. Whether it be chemical or physiological-- that is not a normal situation.

From a purely ecological standpoint-- no wax is any better than the other. In fact, I've always found the eco-argument to be the most idiotic argument against parrafin out there. Parrafin is the only wax that doesn't require you to destroy something--- its a by-product of something thats already being made anyhow. With proper wicking and FO%, you're not gonna get any more soot from them than you do Soy or Palm.

Blwoods, that is my argument for paraffin exactly and it is why I use it.

Outlawsfh, how is the wife's migraine coming?

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Outlawsfh, how is the wife's migraine coming?

I'm also curious. We just got two new batches of various FOs and we were testing them this past week. Only one was a head pounder (christmas thyme from NG) so far. So far so good for us with soy, also poured a bit of paraffin too with no issues (save that one FO).....

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I'm surprised no one suggested making beeswax candles. What about trying beeswax without added FOs? (You noted you're a vegetarian but you didn't say vegan--so I don't know if you'd find beeswax acceptable.)

Well, of course, you should know that I would suggest beeswax! :smiley2: I would try unscented beeswax and, as I do, you can still color the candles without scenting them.

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