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How much profit should one expect with home parties?


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For those of you who do home parties, what is considered a good "profit percentage"? Meaning, once you subtract your cost of making the products, the hostess credit, the freebies, etc, etc, what percentage of that party's income is actual profit? I started doing parties in October and my profit per party is usually around 50% and I was wondering if that was to be expected given the nature of home parties or if I should be doing better than that. The parties have been going great (a total of 7 so far, all $400+ shows except for one $200 book show, with 5 more home and 4 more book shows between now and Feb!!!) I'm just wondering if I should be aiming for a higher profit percentage?

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How much hostess credit do you give and how much free stuff do you give out?

I know a candle home party plan that gives 25% hostess credit (sometimes ups it to 30%) and then whatever specials you offer and freebies are subtracted. Also cost to mail invitations, etc.

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I give 15% hostess credit plus a $10 gift certificate for each booked party that is good at the booked party. I also do a hostess tic tac toe that they win something for each tic tac toe accomplished and if they complete the whole board then they get an additional $25 in hostess credit. The tic-tac-toe prizes are accumulative. If it is a home party I also give the hostess a "thank you" gift valued at $15 (my cost less than $5) just for having the party. I make up a basket of gifts (my cost $1 each or less and all my products). The winners of the games pick their prizes from the basket. Any guest that brings a visitor picks a prize from the basket as does the visitor, etc. At the end of the night anyone that has not won/received a prize gets to pick one. My total "non-hostess" freebies usually cost me about $10. And I do calculate the cost of the invitations and anything else related to the party. After subtracting all my costs I am coming up with about 50% profit per party. Just wondering if that is high, low, about right, etc, lol.

How much hostess credit do you give and how much free stuff do you give out?

I know a candle home party plan that gives 25% hostess credit (sometimes ups it to 30%) and then whatever specials you offer and freebies are subtracted. Also cost to mail invitations, etc.

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