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Question on melting & pouring temps

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Hi ladies/gents, I'm just getting back into my favorite hobby of candle making after a long year and a half absence. I was ill, and unable to lift and pour my wax.

Its amazing how much you forget in that time. I'm hoping my FO's will still be good. I don't sell, I make for myself and my family.

I thought I would get back in the groove by making tarts. We all love them.

My question is this...... I was going to make my tarts with a 50/50 blend of R-2540 & 6006 single pour container wax.

I've lost my notes on what temp to pour at. Can someone please advise me.

I feel like a beginner.

My two favorite things to make have always been tarts and soap petals.

Thanks so much for any help you can give me. I'm ready to take notes so I can get started


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In all honesty, when I first started making candles, I used my thermometer religiously... I would check, double check, and check again before I poured to make sure I was at the right temp. Then one day, I dropped my thermometer and it broke. I use a presto pot, so I can make my temp stay pretty close to the same every time, but I never check my temps anymore and my candles and tarts always turn out great. I never have any complaints or problems with any of my products. I use 6006 for my containers, and a soy wax for my tarts which has an awesome finish, they look really good.

As for my 6006 specs, it has a melt point ~130 and a pour temp ~165

Hope this helps!

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Thanks so much for your help. I do have a presto pot. I wish it had a pour spout but it doesnt.

I use to use the pot; but it seemed to melt the wax way too fast and way too hot even on the lowest setting.

I do find the pot convenient when using feather wax. Those pellets are so hard to melt properly without OVER heating.

I'm going to take your advice on the temp for pouring at 165.

Thanks so much for your help:)

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