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Impatient to try something new...


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After 4 plain unscented uncolored batches, I am ready to try something new. Of course ordering fragrance and dyes online will take forever, and I am too impatient to try something new. Would colors and scents designed for melt and pour soap work for CP soap (the ones you can buy at Michael's). Can I use food vanilla flavoring for scent (I have natural and colorless versions)? Any other suggestions on colors and scents?

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Some melt and pour scents are fine for CP..others are not so great. I don't think vanilla will hold up to the chemical process of CP very well.

If I were you I would run to your local health food store or even Wal Mart and look for some essential oils. Lavender is one of my very favorites and I always have a good supply of it on hand. Another good all purpose EO is Tea Tree.

Edited by Grannyscandles
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  • 1 month later...
Would colors and scents designed for melt and pour soap work for CP soap (the ones you can buy at Michael's).

I used the colorants for my first few batches. They work, but they also bleed so the lovely swirls I had one week turned into a hazy mess the next. I wouldn't touch the scents. Too light and likely to morph.

Can I use food vanilla flavoring for scent (I have natural and colorless versions)?

Nope. Won't work.

Any other suggestions on colors and scents?

EOs from your local HFS if you can't wait for an online order. But, honestly, choose a reputable supplier of items used specifically for soaps and you'll be a lot happier in the long run...

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In my LIMITED experience with CP.

I have colorants for M&P soap on hand and decided to try those for one of my first color batches. The color completely disappeared in my soap. I had bought micas for coloring lip balms from Kangaroo Blue and they have worked great in my CP.

In a pinch I have bought soap supplies at Michael's...overpriced and not the best quality.

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Are you going to sell this soap? I can understand impatient, but why would you waste money on making something with ingredients that you would not use again or would make it cost prohibitive to do so? I would research and find a FO supplier that has super fast service (some ship in a day) and get in an order for soap safe FO. Then while you try your hand at scenting soap - order your colorants. There are some natural colorants out there that you can buy at the grocery or healthfood store, but again...if you are planning on selling - I would be putting my money into R&D that could be replicated in a profitable way! LOL

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its a waste of money, imo, to buy inferior quality products (stuff at craft stores unless its a very good one, tends to be such...) or pay health food store prices.

Lots of suppliers ship lightning fast... and you can have some of them put a rush on it and you would still likely pay less than you will at the craft store.

I get being impatient.. im waiting on supplies right now from 4 different sources and cant wait for them to get here... but you wont be as satisfied with your end product if you use products that arent of as high of quality.

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Are you going to sell this soap? I can understand impatient, but why would you waste money on making something with ingredients that you would not use again or would make it cost prohibitive to do so? I would research and find a FO supplier that has super fast service (some ship in a day) and get in an order for soap safe FO. Then while you try your hand at scenting soap - order your colorants. There are some natural colorants out there that you can buy at the grocery or healthfood store, but again...if you are planning on selling - I would be putting my money into R&D that could be replicated in a profitable way! LOL

This is an old thread. I was in the experimenting stage, and just wanted to try all the different things, like swirls etc. I needed a "quick fix", so I was searching the house high and low for things I already have that could be put in my soap. (I was not making it for sale).

BTW I ended up using cocoa powder and coffee for my colors. This soap is 5 weeks old now, and still looks the same the day I made it. I am hoping to keep one bar for at least a year to see how it holds up.

Thank you for your input though! (there might be another newbie doing the same thing I did, so maybe this thred will help somebody)

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