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Daystar's Island Goddess Cupcake


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I love this scent, adore it, but Daystar is very much at the high end of my budget. (I have it in a lot of my bath products) I wish to try it in wax. (KY Parasoy)

I was wondering if Island Goddess Cupcake had a twin...or maybe just a close relation our there somewhere a bit cheaper to test in wax?

Thanks again,


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I love and also use Island Goddess Cupcake and I wish I could find a less expensive alternative. I also have NG's Caribbean but I don't find them close enough, maybe if you could add some cake notes to Caribbean it might make good match. Hmmm...I may have to try that see if I can make a match.

Island Goddess Cupcake...delicious cupcake with hints of coconut, pineapple and a splash of rum, mixed in a vanilla-buttery cupcake batter.

Caribbean... A tropical paradise blend of coconut, fresh sliced pineapple, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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I think I am going to try mixing Caribbean...we'll see how well I do lol. Now off to find a vanilla/yellow cake type note.

I keep sniffing IGC trying to figure out what exactly the cake note is.


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I've got the birthday cupcake and the almond rum cake, as well as a few other vanilla cakey types coming. I also went with the hot buttered rum as well. I am wondering if a bit of that with the cupcake and caribbean....

Well I won't know until they get here and I get them together lol. Wish me luck :)


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Okay I just (5 minutes ago) poured a batch of tarts with Caribbean(NG) & Rice Crisp Treat (NG) as oob the rice crisp smelled a little more like that cake vanilla base than the birthday cupcake...

I am so not impressed with the birthday vanilla cupcake so far (I poured a batch of tarts a couple days ago, hoping it would smell better in wax and I'm just not caring for it at all..nothing like cake or vanilla really)

So will keep looking for a vanilla cake scent, but I have high hopes for the Rice Crisp/Caribbean mix, its already pretty close in my opinion. I am going to see if it changes in the next 48 hours.

Will let you guys know.


ETA: I used a 50/50 mix of the two scents

Edited by Aileene
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