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M&P Facial Bar? Antibaterial Bar? Are they possible?


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Does anyone have suggestions on what to add to M&P base to create a gentle but luxurious facial bar? GM, of course (thanks for turning me on to that stuff, PrairieAnnie!), but what else? I keep coming up with some type of clay when I search on the internet, but it seems that may be more for acne? I'm looking for ingredients for adult skin -- i.e., aging, sensitive skin... haha!

Also, what should I add to make more of an antibacterial bar for the kitchen to wash hands after handling raw meat, etc.? Would tea tree oil work?

Thanks so much!

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One good thing for facial bar that comes to mind..That is gentle and soft and so good for your skin ,complexion.aging etc..Is honey.You can buy the honey M&P base already made.Or you can add to what you have.

Also,yogurt..But make sure you have a preservative in your mix.Tea Tree is good for acne and skin problems.Not sure as an everyday type facial bar.The Clay are more for an exfoliation,IMO.Also if you have dried buttermilk.to add to liquid then mix it in..You can always add some herbs..Thats the good thing about M&P..you can add and tweak it just about however you want..You can add ground oatmeal.teas,coffee grounds any clays or seed items such as cranberry,apricot,green tea powder for exfoliation.. the list goes on..:)

Also,Honey has some anti bacterial properties.Hope this helps some..

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Our best blend for potent antibacterial action is a combination of Clove, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Cinnamon.

Essential oils considered to have potent antibacterial action:

Tea Tree • Studied for MRSA treatment; the most commonly aromatic used as an antiseptic and antibacterial.

Geranium • Also studied for MRSA treatment, excellent anti-fungal as well.

Oregano • VERY potent, should be used with caution. Dilute concentrations only. Not for use on skin. Taken in capsules to treat IBS.

Cinnamon • Also VERY potent, not for use on skin. Included in small amounts in blends.

Lemon • Gentle yet effective oil, often used as household cleaner/spray. Wonderful bright aroma.

Lemon Tea Tree • Potent cleanser of the air, strong antiseptic with pleasing lemon-like aroma.

Myrtle • Gentle antibacterial essential oil used in acne formulas.

Palmarosa • Pleasant scented alternative to Tea Tree, used in skin and hair care recipes.

Myrtle • Balancing of over-oily conditions, antiseptic, gently stimulating and regenerative.

Rosalina • Called 'Lavender Tea Tree' as in incorporates the antibacterial action of Tea Tree and the soothing effects of Lavender. Exellent for children.

Eucalyptus • High 1,8 Cineol concentration, specific to bacterial infections of the respiratory system.

Hope this helps......

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