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hi everyone. i have been enjoying reading everyone's posts so much ive decided to take the dive from candlemaking into b&b. i want to start with a body butter and i have finally got my shipment of supplies today. my question is what besides the addition of water, is the difference between emusified body butter and just a whipped body butter? i have found some recipes that call for no water while others do.

is the consistency of the finished product different? my goal would be to have a non greasy thick body cream. any input will be greatly appreciated:)

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Welcome to your bath and body addiction!

An emulsified butter (in reality a thick cream but sometimes called butter) will contain water and must have an emulsifier (many out there) and a preservative added since oil and water don't like each other for long and will soon start growing the dreaded mold and bacteria beasties. Depending on ingredients and method (oil in water emulsion or water in oil emulsion) they are generally less greasy than true butters.

A whipped body butter is just a natural butter (shea, cocoa, mango or combos etc.) whipped up alone or with other natural oils and maybe fragrance. Some add preservative in case water is introduced... others don't since there is no water in the formula... I always add some vitamin e...it's not a preservative but can prolong the life of natural butters and oils before they turn rancid (aka stinky). Butter and oils are just that... they will have a greasier feel than well made lotions or creams and take a bit longer to soak in... good for the skin though.

Check out the B & B recipe section...there are some awesome formulas there and google for recipes and techniques. It is a lot of fun to experiment and make your own!

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