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dandruff like layer on skin


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I just though of something about my soaps that make my skin flaky,

When I purchased lye, they had two kinds of lye:

1- industrial lye from 96% to 99% purity $2 per kg.

2- lab lye (that's what they called it) 99% purity $25 per kg.

I purchased lab lye. Since I live in Iran and we don't have any soapmaking suppliers, I'm not sure which one is used for soap making.

Could it be the kind of lye I use?

I am always very careful in measuring exactly. I soap at 100F and I reach medium trace.

I have no idea and it really worries me. When I use my soap it doesn't really dry out my skin and it's

even soft, but I can see a dandruff like white layer on my skin. I used to use 26% coconut but now I'm using 20%

and still the same problem with my last batch which is 2 weeks. icon_confused.gif

I use: olive 40% - Coconut 20% - Palm 30% - Castor 5% - Sweet almond 5% sf 5%

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