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Can anyone make me this balm?


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Hi, I do candles not B&B...I was searching the threads and found this recipe for -

Eczema Balm

30 g unrefined shea butter

10 g avocado butter

15 g wheat germ oil

15 g emu oil

10 g borage oil

10 g evening primrose oil

30 g soy wax flakes

3 g Vitamin E

I don't want to buy a bunch of these ingredients just to make a batch for my daughter who has Eczema...but if there is someone out there who already has the materials and wanted to make it for me I would br greatful. Also if you could let me know what the price would be. Thanks.

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Here are the instructions that go with the recipe:

"Melt butters and wax together until liquid. Heat oils to approximately 110*. Add oils and butter/wax mixture together between 100-110*. Mix together thoroughly. Add Vitamin E and mix again. I use a mixer to whip it as it cools, as if it were whipped shea, but keep in mind that it's intended to be balm consistency, so it won't whip high.

If you prefer b/w, add sub it for the soy by 1/2 amount: 15 g for this amount."

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I actually have all these ingredients. I'm guessing you've not tried this on your daughter, so are you wanting just the amount made in the recipe?

PS -- I avoid soy like the plague, so don't use it in anything, but I do have beeswax, rice bran wax, sunflower wax, candelilla wax or carnauba wax. I see it gives the sub for beeswax in your 2nd post.

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Well, this sounds like it would be great for her skin. How much would that recipe make?? I have not tried it. If you have the materials and would be willing to make me a batch that would be great. Beeswax would be just fine...sounds like it would be better for the skin than soy anyway. I will PM you for details.

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Thanks, I got my package with the balm for my daughter. And thank you so much for the extras you threw in there...


You're most welcome. I just hope the balm works for your DD. I also think you'll find the soap nuts to really help.

Be sure and check out the link I PM'd you, too!

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