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What do you consider the proper flame height?

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In the eleven years I've been making candles, I've heard so many opinions from other candle makers and customers about how big a flame an "ideal" candle should have. Now...what beats all is I've been watching alot of movies(or just started noticing, LOL)where the flame height of burning candles is a minimum of 5" and you can see the smoke coming off them!:shocked2: Take for instance, Pay It Forward. At the end of the movie they have a vigil where everyone is holding a taper with a plastic cup near the top of the candle and the flame is coming waaaay out the top of the cup. Or the movie, What Lies Beneath. They burn alot of candles in that one, and at one point, Michele Pfifer carries one to another room(a pillar) and the flame is so big, I keep waiting for the side of her hair to catch on fire! What kills me is alot of people tell me that's how they consider it's a good candle. I think I must be missing something because I would never consider that a good or safe candle. So I thought I would ask everyone here(because to me you all are the pros)what do you consider the proper flame height on your candles? TIA for your responses.:cheesy2:

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You know you are a candle maker when....

in movies you are noticing flame height of each candle in scene.

No, those don't sound very safe but the media has a big part in what people think things should be like, but we all know Hollywood is not real life. I guess just educating your customers.

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Guess Hollywood doesn't trim their wicks! :laugh2:When I have the right wick and it has the nice flame like when I light a new tester with a 1/4" wick...I let my flame get a little bigger than that but not much.

I was testing my palm pillars with RRD last night, first burn, and one flame was pretty good but the other even after only one hour was very "fat"...won't be keeping that wick.

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You know you are a candle maker when....

in movies you are noticing flame height of each candle in scene.

I do this all the time.... I drive my DH crazy.. It drives me crazy too!!:laugh2:

I will start saying...

Look at that candle, the flame is huge and smoking!!!!

Now he is starting to notice it too!!!!:yay:

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I figure if it looks too big it probably is. :) What kills me is per the ASTM safety standards flames should not exceed 3" in height. OMG! :shocked2: I about fell off my chair over that one. It's nuts and it's certainly not safe, not at all.

I would say a flame should never exceed 1" even after that candle has been burned a really long time. 1/2" flame height seems about right to me. :)

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