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Help with embedded photos & Lumminarries

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Hello everyone. I was wondering if someone would give me some suggestions. I am going to be getting marries in May and would like to make a couple of candles for the Wedding cake table ect. I am wanting to make one of those hurricane candles with a embeded photo of our engagement photo with our wedding date.


I would also like to make a couple of those Luminaries with our Wedding colors.


Any suggestions would be great as I have never made candles before. I am going to place a order with peak this week so if there is anything I should get that isn't included on those info pages let me know. Also I read it isn't safe to melt wax in a double broiler on a gas stove. So how should I go about melting wax since my stove is gas.


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Wow, you are industrious! I think the 1260 wax is a good choice. You will need a mold. Some people use different things, but I found the regular hurricane mold works the best. You won't need an insert. You will need something to melt a fairly large amount of wax...probably 4-5 lbs. Many use a presto pot (maybe find one at a secondhand store?) You will need a thermometer. If you are going to color anything, you will need candle coloring...probably color blocks or liquid coloring. I use a 5 gallon plastic bucket for the water bath. I learned the hard way to put the empty mold in, add water to the right height, remove the mold and mark where the water line is. Then take a bit more out until you place the filled mold in the water. Saves spilling water into the candle. Donita (the luminary queen) says she uses cold, wet folded up paper towels to lift the filled luminary into the water bath. Works good. Follow the directions and start practicing soon. Remember, you can always melt down and reuse the wax if it doesn't turn out like you wish. Good luck. Beth

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Hi Drew. If it is the water balloon luminary directions from the Craft Server forum, it looks to me like the larger. For the photo embed, a lot depends on the size of your mold, but I think you'd need the larger for that also. This will bumb this post up and maybe someone else who has made the balloon ones will answer. Beth

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