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credit card processing


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I know this has been covered, but I am not getting a clear idea of what to do.

I have a retail shop, do shows, and have a web site with a shopping cart. I have a credit card machine at the shop, and a manual one that I can use at shows and call them in later.

I only have paypal on my web site. Over the last few months, credit card sales in my shop have went way up. Mostly people using debit cards. My machine is old and can only use credit cards, but people seem to be okay with that.

Question: The merchant services I have currently can do web credit cards, but it is seperate. I pay a seperate monthly fee. Does anyone know of one that does it all, for one monthly fee? The guy at my company said no, there wouldn't be. I thought I would ask on here.


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What I do is collect the credit card information on my website and then manually run them through. I use Mals Shopping Cart.

Since you are already able to phone in Credit Cards, you can set up your cart to collect the Credit Card information, then manually run it through.

I do not use paypal so I don't know how that will effect things..

Is it possible to have 2 types of payment processing on your site.

That way if they do not choose paypal, you can collect the CC information and run it thru yourself????

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That is what I am wondering. I still want to use Paypal, but have a credit card also. Give them the option to do either.

I think I saw something about collecting the info on the web, then processing it. I can do that. I am not sure what kind of cart I have now. I am with DIYestore, I switched about a year ago.

I can ask on there too.

I also wondered about SSL certificate, and what that entailed. Currently, I don't have one.


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I capture the CC information and then run in through Propay. works just fine. fees are a little higher than a regular merchant account but I don't do a whole lot of volume.

Check out RapidSSL for an SSL certificate. you want to have that if you are going to collect CC info for processing.

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